Campus Construction Planning

Campus Construction Planning

Information on our planned construction activities

January 24, 2025

In the coming years, we will be realizing a number of construction projects on campus. On this page, we would like to keep you informed about our plans.

Just as our research has changed in more than 100 years of the institute's history, the campus has also constantly developed. In the coming years, some structural adjustments are planned to prepare the institute for the future and to continue to conduct cutting-edge research from Mülheim.

In addition to the scientific departments, which are headed by our directors, the analytical departments play a central role in our day-to-day research. Currently, these analytical departments are housed in various buildings on campus, and working conditions are not always optimal. Necessary renovation work cannot be carried out in a sustainable manner.

In order to create better conditions for sustainable, transparent and competitive research, our Board of Directors has decided to construct a new analytical building. This is to be built on Lembkestraße, where the administration is currently located. The current design is the winning entry in a large competition in which ten architectural firms participated. The aim was to create a building that is both functional and visually appealing, and blends harmoniously into its surroundings. The demolition of the old administration building will begin in the summer of 2026. Construction of the new building is scheduled to start in spring 2027.

In view of this, the institute's administration will be relocated to the currently unused former director's villa, a listed building on Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz. Until 2021, the villa housed the MPI KOFO cafeteria. The building permit for the necessary renovation work has already been obtained and the work has begun.

After a routine environmental inspection of our chemicals storage facility last year, it became clear that a comprehensive renovation of the current building would be necessary. After considering the economic aspects, both the Executive Board and the Board of Directors decided in favor of building a new chemicals storage at a different location on the campus. A former, currently unused residential building on Höhenweg will be demolished to make way for a new, easily accessible chemicals storage facility. Construction is scheduled to begin in July 2025.

Since the cafeteria was closed in 2021, neither of the two institutes (MPI KOFO and MPI CEC) have had access to a stationary food service on campus. There is also a lack of space for social interaction between employees. Therefore, the construction of a new staff restaurant is planned – on the site currently occupied by the old chemical storage facility. Plans are currently being drawn up to estimate a possible budget.

Overall, we will invest around 60 million euros (as of January 2025) from the private foundation's assets in the renewal of the institute's location over the next 6-8 years.

These extensive construction works are intended to further optimize the institute's life and, in particular, the research operations at the MPI KOFO. After the renovation work, the institute will not have significantly more employees than before. We currently have around 400 employees from about 40 countries, and this will remain the case even after the construction work is completed. So, no increase in traffic or pressure on on-site parking is to be expected.

All planning and work carried out so far has been done in close consultation with the authorities. Thus, none of the buildings will be significantly higher than before. The new analytics building will not be higher than the historic old building on Kaiser Wilhelm Platz. Of course, all aspects of monument protection will be sufficiently taken into account.

All the inconvenience caused by the construction work to local residents and employees will be kept to a minimum. A separate information event took place on January 23, and a contact address will be set up for questions:

We will keep you constantly up to date on the state of affairs through our various channels.

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