Heterogeneous Catalysis

The work of the group is concentrated on the synthesis and characterization of inorganic materials with an application focus in heterogeneous catalysis. Especially important are high surface area materials with controlled porosity and nanostructured catalysts. Reactions studied include model reactions, such as CO oxidation, and energy relevant conversions, i.e. methane activation, biomass conversion, ammonia decomposition and catalyzed hydrogen storage. This research is supported by studies into the fundamental processes governing solids formation.

Research Topics:

Mechanical energy input can drive chemical reactions. The group studies such mechanochemical reactions by using different types of ball mills. [more]
Direct use of electrical energy is one of the key elements in the conversion of the chemical industry to a more sustainable production. The entry point into various value chains is water electrolysis to generate hydrogen. [more]
Solid catalysts are often structured on the nanoscale. Various methods are available to achieve such nanostructuring, including different templating pathways... [more]
Mesoporous solids have pores in the size range between 2 and 50 nm, microporous materials pores below 2 nm. A multitude of different micro- and mesoporous solids is known, such... [more]
Hydrogen Storage is one of the key problems for the implementation of a hydrogen energy economy. Solid hydrides are possible alternatives... [more]
Due to the expected depletion of fossil fuels, alternatives are required for the supply of our societies with fuels and alternative feedstocks for chemical production. Different types of biomass... [more]
The Max-Planck-Cardiff-Center FUNCAT is a joint activity between three Max-Planck-Institute (Chemical Energy Conversion (CEC), Fritz-Haber-Institute (FHI), and Kohlenforschung(KOFO)) and the Cardiff Catalysis Center (CCI). It was established in 2020 with the vision to stronger integrate the catalysis activities of the four entities. [more]
<span><span><span>Ferdi Schüth is awarded the Wilhelm Exner Medal</span></span></span>

Ferdi Schüth is awarded the Wilhelm Exner Medal more

Jil Meyers does her PhD with Ferdi Schüth.

Minerva’s daughters: Jil Meyers is a PhD student at the MPI. more

Christian Bürger (from left), Dr. Özgül Agbaba and Marc Meyer are part of the MechSyn-team

Kofo scientist raises 1.26 million euros in funding more

Next year marks the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.

To mark the 100th anniversary of the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, a scientific conference will be held in Mülheim next year. Our institute will of course be taking part. more

Ferdi Schüth and Rainer Diercks (right) are happy to be announced as Honorary Members of the Dechema.

Director at the Kohlenforschung receives highest honor of the German Society for Chemical and Biological Technology more

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