The PR Office is the right place for questions about the MPI für Kohlenforschung and its research. We provide pictures and information on current research projects, name contact persons or organize guided tours through the institute. We are also responsable for the organisation of public events.
Presse releases 2022
- 2022-03-04-Pressemitteilung-Besuch-Wüst 162.61 kB
- 2022-11-09-Press Release Ernst Haage Prizes eng 227.08 kB
Press Releases 2021
- 14-12-2021 Cornella_receives Novartis Early Career Award 392.44 kB
- 2021-10-07 Nobel Prize for Ben List_english 635.72 kB
- 20211101_MPI_Nickelkomplexe_Cornella_Englisch 65.73 kB
Press Releases 2020
- 08.12.2020_ErnstHaage-Preis2020 397.48 kB
- 15.05.2020 Cornella receives Hoechst Dozentenpreis 67.59 kB
- 06.03.2020 Neue Erkenntnisse zum Ursprung des Lebens 258.38 kB
- 18.03.2020 Harun Tüysüz receives DECHEMA Prize 2019 242.99 kB
- 08_12_2020_Bayer_Early_Exzellenz_Award_for_Cornella 470.17 kB
- 12.08.2020_New group leader Constanze Neumann at the MPI 55.34 kB