PhD candidate successful at summerschool of European Physical Society and Societa Italiana de Fisica

The Villa Monastero at the Lago di Como, Italy, hosted the summerschool on "Energy: Where we stand and where we go" from 22nd to 27th July 2019. This is a joined event of the EPS (European Physical Society) and the SIF (Societa Italiana di Fisica) aimed at bringing together young and motivated scientists from different fields to learn about current developments in energy related topics.
The MPI für Kohlenforschung was represented by Alexander Auer, who gave a series of lectures on electrochemical energy conversion in which he outlined current research in the field of water splitting and fuel cell technologies.
Anneke Dittmer, who is a PhD candidate in the Neese Department also participated and received an award for the best talk contributed by students. As awardee she now gets the chance to publish a summary of her work in the proceedings of the summerschool.
Photo: Group picture of summerschool by Carlo Zuccoli