Principles of Equality
A successful gender equality strategy leads to considerable added value: gender equality has an impact on the quality of research, as talent can be drawn from a larger population, a variety of research perspectives is promoted (diversity), and blind spots regarding the importance of gender in research content and methods can be eliminated. The Executive Board of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung fully agrees with this assessment: Equality is a key issue to ensure the research excellence of the Institute also in the future. The Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung has therefore set itself the goal of taking women and men into account in all decisions in their difference and diversity and of preventing discrimination.

Balanced employment of both genders and their equal opportunities as well as the compatibility of family and career are promoted. The achievement of this goal is to be supported by the application of the equality principles of the Max Planck Society. Beyond these aspects, the institute is committed to diversity and equality of all institute members and acts in this sense beyond the boundaries of the institute.
Equal Opportunities Officer:
The Equal Opportunities Officer has the task of promoting and monitoring equality between women and men, as well as the elimination of existing discrimination and the prevention of future discrimination on grounds of gender in the institution.
She participates in all personnel, organizational and social measures relating to equality between women and men, the reconciliation of work and family life and protection against sexual harassment in the workplace. The Equal Opportunities Officer is involved in the recruitment and selection process of future co-workers. In this sense, she also has an advisory and support function for individual employees.
More information - also on offers especially for female scientists - can be found on the website of the Max Planck Society in this section.