Alois Fürstner: President of the Famous Bürgenstock Conference 2023
Mülheim researcher heads the famous Swiss Chemical Society conference
The "Bürgenstock Conference on Stereochemistry" is not only one of the oldest scientific meetings in the field of organic chemistry, but certainly one of the most prestigious.

Since the first edition in 1965, this symposium is surrounded by an aura of exclusivity. Neither the names of the speakers nor the program are published in advance, and the number of participants is strictly limited.
Those who come do so in the confidence that the respective "president" has made the right choice. Each speaker gets the chance to lecture at the "Bürgenstock" only once in a lifetime, unless he or she completely changes the research direction. The setting is also exquisite: the current conference venue is a luxurious hotel located directly on the shore of Lake Lucerne in the pretty town of Brunnen in the very heart of Switzerland.
The "president" changes from year to year. In consultation with a standing committee, he or she is responsible for organizing the meeting. In doing so, the term "stereochemistry" is interpreted very broadly, such that the spectrum of topics ranges from elementary chemical steps to classical organic synthesis and deep into (chemical) biology.
This year, Alois Fürstner had the pleasure to preside over the 56th Bürgenstock Conference, which took place from May 7 to 11, 2023. He reasoned as follows: "The list of former presidents reads like a who's who of chemistry in Europe. Therefore it's not only an honor but actually a distinction to be allowed to fill this role."
By the way, Mülheim was also well represented beyond the President himself. Prof. Frank Neese gave a talk. And Dr. Constanze Neumann, Group Leader at the institute, got one of the sought after Junior Scientists Participation Fellowships.
You can find out more on the conference on their official Website.