Name lectures in the High North
Prof. Frank Neese travels to Norway as Almlöf-Gropen lecturer
Frank Neese, Director at the MPI für Kohlenforschung, has now given the Almlöf Gropen Lectures in Oslo and Tromsø. According to the researcher, his Norwegian colleagues are particularly strong in the field of theoretical chemistry.

The Almlöf-Gropen Lectures is a prestigious event held annually in Norway. It is named after two prominent figures in Norwegian quantum chemistry, Jan Almlöf and Odd Gropen. The event is organized by the Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences (a similar construction to the German ‘Clusters of Excellence’) at the University of Oslo and the University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway. This year, Frank Neese, director at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, had the honor to give the renowned talks in the high north of Europe.
The lecture series aims to bring together leading researchers and students in the field of quantum chemistry and related areas. It provides a platform for sharing the latest research findings, fostering collaborations, and promoting the growth of quantum chemistry. Therefore, the invited talks are often followed by poster sessions and opportunities for networking for students and early-career researchers.
The lectures cover a wide range of topics with a focus on Quantum chemical methods and computations, molecular dynamics and kinetics and Quantum Information. “Scandinavia in general and Norway in particular has been a powerhouse in theoretical chemistry for a long time” Neese explains. “We owe many insights and elegant mathematical formulations to the Scandinavian colleagues. Hence, it is a particular pleasure and honor to give this lecture in recognition of the outstanding contributions of two particularly influential colleagues.“
Neese’s lectures dealt with the timely subject of the future of intelligent and sustainable software design in quantum chemistry. This important subject has received particular attention in the re-design of the widely used ORCA quantum chemistry package developed and distributed free of charge to academic researcher in Mülheim and distributed commercially to industry by the company FAccTs.