Professor Stefan Grimme from the University of Bonn is appointed Max Planck Fellow at the MPI für Kohlenforschung

The Max Planck Fellow Program promotes cooperation between outstanding university professors and scientists of the Max Planck Society. The appointment of outstanding university professors as Max Planck Fellows involves the leadership of a small working group at a Max Planck Institute. The Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung is delighted that Prof. Dr. Stefan Grimme from the University of Bonn has recently been appointed Max Planck Fellow at the institute. He will set up his fellow working group from 2021. The 56-year-old highly decorated theoretical chemist is head of the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry at the Mulliken Center for Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Bonn and is no stranger in Mülheim. In March of this year he was invited as a speaker to a symposium on the perspectives of theoretical chemistry at the institute and gave a lecture on new and highly efficient quantum chemical methods in the large auditorium. In 2015, the Mülheim Institute awarded him its highest scientific award - the Karl-Ziegler Visiting Professor. Stefan Grimme visited the Chemistry Campus for three days and entered into an intensive exchange with the scientists. "We are very pleased that the Max Planck Fellow Program will lead to close cooperation between Stefan Grimme and our institute in the future," explains Professor Frank Neese, Director at the MPI for Coal Research. "There is a great proximity between his and our research in practically all departments. The Fellow Program opens up opportunities for us to collaborate even more intensively than we have done so far. Stefan Grimmes contributions to the ORCA program are invaluable," he adds.
About Stefan Grimme
Stefan Grimme is one of the world's leading researchers in the field of theoretical chemistry and modelling. He develops new computational methods in density functional theory and quantum chemistry, combined with applications to non-covalent interactions, reaction mechanisms and electronically excited states. His work contributes to a better understanding of complex chemical problems in the interaction of experiment and theory. He achieves this through increasingly accurate computer simulations of the processes that take place in complex molecules and materials. The 56-year-old studied chemistry at the University of Braunschweig and habilitated at the University of Bonn in 1997. He then worked as a university lecturer at the University of Bonn from 1999 until he accepted an appointment at the University of Muenster in 2000. In 2011 Stefan Grimme moved to the University of Bonn where he has been working since then as a university professor and head of the Chair of Theoretical Chemistry. Born in Braunschweig, Germany, he has received numerous high-ranking awards for his research, including the Schrödinger Medal (2013), the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (2015) and recently - as well as his colleague at the MPI for Coal Research, Frank Neese - the distinction of Highly Cited Researcher at Clarivate Analytics.
About the Max Planck Fellowship
The Max Planck Fellow Program promotes cooperation between outstanding university professors and scientists of the Max Planck Society. The appointment of university professors as Max Planck Fellows is limited to five years and at the same time involves the leadership of a small working group at a Max Planck Institute. There is the option of a one-time extension. A total of about 40 Fellows are active at the Max Planck Institutes, at the neighboring MPI for Chemical