Real-Time Reaction Monitoring

In many cases, it is desirable to collect the NMR data “on-the-fly” during a chemical reaction. Such real-time experiments allow one to obtain important kinetic data, to trace key intermediates and ultimately to understand catalytic reaction mechanisms. In many instances however it is challenging to achieve true reaction conditions within the confined space of the NMR magnet/probehead setups. Equally restrictive are the temporal limits of a traditional NMR laboratory experiment, where it may take minutes-to-hours from the preparation of the sample to the completion of the measurements. Specializing in NMR-based kinetic studies, the NMR department is committed to meet challenges by developing adapted in situ and inline NMR applications, including rapid injection apparatuses, to track species in catalytic transformations under demanding reaction conditions.
Representative publications:
- O. Planas, F. Wang, M. Leutzsch, J. Cornella, Science 2020, 367.
doi: - D. P. Estes, M. Leutzsch, L. Schubert, A. Bordet, W. Leitner, Acs Catal 2020, 10, 2990-2998.
doi: - J. Ouyang, J. L. Kennemur, D. Kanta, C. Fares, B. List, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 3414-3418.
doi: - X. L. Huang, M. Patil, C. Farès, W. Thiel, N. Maulide, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 135, 7312-7323.