Current Events

Room: Grand Lecture Hall

Prof. Yang Yang (UCSB)

„New Strategies for Stereoselective Radical Biocatalysis”

Karl Ziegler Lecture 2025 - Seminar

A Glue Here, a TAC There: Bringing Proteins Together as Drug Modalities

Dr. Ina Vollmer (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)

„Mechano-catalytic Depolymerization of Polyolefins”
Awarding of the Thiel Prize 2024, talks and Poster Session [more]

Prof.Yujiro Hayashi, Tohoku University, JP

Organocatalysis and Pot-Economical Synthesis of Biologically Active Molecules

Dr. Julia Reisenbauer (CalTech)

Navigating chemical space: utilizing nitrene reactivities in traditional organic chemistry and biocatalysis
Award winners: NATIONAL: Prof. Dr. Barbara A. J. Lechner (TU München) PHD/POSTDOC: Tim Schulte (Kofo, AG Ritter) Sheng-Hsiang Lin (CEC, AG Leitner) AZUBIS: Elisabeth Glöcler (CEC, Chemielaborantin, Waldvogel) Hinrich Kludig (Kofo, Feinmechanik) [more]

Dr. Andrew Akbashev (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen CH)

“Ion Intercalation, Lattice Instability and Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Electrocatalysts under OER”
“Ion Intercalation, Lattice Instability and Chemo-Mechanical Coupling in Electrocatalysts under OER” [more]

MBLA Lecture Tour: Dr. Yoichi Hoshimoto (Osaka University, JP)

Exploring Ways to Harness N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Triarylboranes in Organometallic and Synthetic Chemistry

Prof. Dr. Alexander Radosevich (MIT)

“Biphilic Redox Reactivity of Nontrigonal Organophosphorus Compounds”
“Biphilic Redox Reactivity of Nontrigonal Organophosphorus Compounds” [more]
Catalytic ammonia synthesis by mixed anion materials [more]

Festive Awarding of the "Historical Landmarks Award" by the European Chemical Society

to the Sites of Karl Ziegler and Giulio Natta
Opening remarks: Prof. Dr. Frank Neese, Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, talks by Prof. Dr. Angela Agostiano, EuChemS President, Prof. Dr. Sabine Becker, GDCh Vice President, Prof. Dr. Gianluca Farinola, SCI President, Marc Buchholz, Mayor of Mülheim an der Ruhr [more]
Professor Gouverneur’s research has focused on the invention of new strategies for the synthesis of fluorine-containing molecules for applications in materials and the life sciences. This lecture will highlight selected accomplishments and discuss how this fundamental research has evolved to address some of the current global challenges facing the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. [more]
Deciphering Multi-Spin Chemistry [more]
Privileged Chiral Catalysts: Selectivity and Generality in Asymmetric Catalysis [more]
Registration here: [more]
"Making, Seeing, and Using Subvalent Nitrogen Species" [more]

“Solution-processed nanostructured semiconductors for next-generation photovoltaics”

“Solution-processed nanostructured semiconductors for next-generation photovoltaics”
Dr. Arnau Bertran (University of Oxford, UK) “Solution-processed nanostructured semiconductors for next-generation photovoltaics” [more]
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