Great honor for theoretical chemists: Kohlenforscher Frank Neese receives the Schrödinger medal of the WATOC

Prof. Dr. Frank Neese, Director of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung, recently received very pleasant news: the World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (WATOC) awarded the theoretical chemist with the most prestigious international prize for theoretical chemists, the Schrödinger Medal 2022.
WATOC presents this award annually to an outstanding research personality in theoretical and computational chemistry and invites the awardees* to its triennial international conference. The medal is intended to commemorate the founder of quantum mechanics, the Austrian physicist, science theorist, and 1933 Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger.
Neese will receive his award at the 2025 WATOC conference in Oslo. “As someone who came late from biology to theoretical chemistry, it is a particularly great honor to be recognized alongside the important scientists who have won this award”.
According to the jury's statement, the 54-year-old is being honored for "his pioneering development of new quantum chemical methods for theoretical spectroscopy and local electron correlation, and their applications to real-life chemical problems."
The Schrödinger Medal has been awarded for more than 30 years. The circle of honorees also includes former institute director Walter Thiel (deceased, 2019) and Max Planck Fellow Stefan Grimme from the University of Bonn, who is associated with the Mülheim Kohlenforschung.
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