Publications of F. Schüth

Journal Article (472)

Journal Article
Demuth, D.; Unger, K. K.; Schüth, F.; Srdanov, V. I.; Stucky, G. D. Improvement of Raman Spectra of SAPO-5 by Chromium(III)-Induced Luminescence Quenching. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 1995, 99, 479–482.
Journal Article
Junges, U.; Jacobs, W.; Voigt-Martin, I.; Krutzsch, B.; Schüth, F. MCM-41 as a Support for Small Platinum Particles: a Catalyst for Low-Temperature Carbon Monoxide Oxidation. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 1995, No. 22, 2283–2284.
Journal Article
Marlow, F.; Demuth, D.; Stucky, G.; Schüth, F. Polarized IR Spectra of p-Nitroaniline-Loaded AlP04-5 Single Crystals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 1995, 99, 1306–1310.
Journal Article
Demuth, D.; Unger, K. K.; Schüth, F.; Stucky, G. D.; Srdanoy, V. I. Photoluminescence of Chromium(III)-Doped Silicoaluminophosphate with AFI Structure. Advanced Materials 1994, 6, 931–934.
Journal Article
Llewellyn, P. L.; Grillet, Y.; Schüth, F.; Reichert, H.; Unger, K. K. Effect of Pore Size on Adsorbate Condensation and Hysteresis Within a Potential Model Adsorbent: M41S. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1994, 3, 345–349.
Journal Article
Huo, Q.; Margolese, D. I.; Ciesla, U.; Demuth, D.; Feng, P.; Gier, T. E.; Sieger, P.; Firouzi, A.; Chmelka, B. F.; Schüth, F.; Stucky, G. D. Organization of Organic Molecules with Inorganic Molecular Species into Nanocomposite Biphase Arrays. Chemistry of Materials 1994, 6, 1176–1191.
Journal Article
Althoff, R.; Unger, K.; Schüth, F. Is the Formation of a Zeolite from a Dry Powder Via a Gas Phase Transport Process Possible? Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1994, 2, 563–564.
Journal Article
Huo, Q.; Margolese, D. I.; Ciesla, U.; Feng, P.; Gier, T. E.; Sieger, P.; Leon, R.; Petroff, P. M.; Schüth, F.; Stucky, G. D. Generalized Synthesis of Periodic Surfactant/Inorganic Composite Materials. Nature 1994, 368, 317–321.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Demuth, D.; Zibrowius, B.; Kornatowski, J.; Finger, G. FTIR Microscopy with Polarized IR Radiation for the Analysis of SAPO-5 and p-Xylene-Loaded SAPO-5. Journal of the American Chemical Society 1994, 116, 1090–1095.
Journal Article
Alfredsson, V.; Keung, M.; Monnier, A.; Stucky, G. D.; Unger, K. K.; Schüth, F. High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy of Mesoporous MCM-41 Type Materials. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 1994, No. 8, 921–922.
Journal Article
Branton, P. J.; Hall, P. G.; Sing, K. S. W.; Reichert, H.; Schüth, F.; Unger, K. K. Physisorption of Argon, Nitrogen and Oxygen by MCM-41, a Model Mesoporous Adsorbent. Journal of the Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions 1994, 90, 2965–2967.
Journal Article
Ciesla, U.; Demuth, D.; Leon, R.; Petroff, P.; Stucky, G.; Unger, K.; Schüth, F. Surfactant Controlled Preparation of Mesostructured Transition-Metal Oxide Compounds. Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications 1994, No. 11, 1387–1388.
Journal Article
Stucky, G. D.; Monnier, A.; Schüth, F.; Huo, Q.; Margolese, D.; Kumar, D.; Krishnamurty, M.; Petroff, P.; Firouzi, A.; Janicke, M.; Chmelka, B. F. Molecular and Atomic Arrays in Nano- and Mesoporous Materials Synthesis. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology Section A-Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 1994, 240, 187–200.
Journal Article
Zibrowius, B.; Anderson, M. W.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F.-F.; Aliev, A. E.; Harris, K. D. M. Aspects of the Characterization of Cloverite by Solid-State N.m.r. Techniques. Zeolites 1993, 13, 607–610.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Althoff, R. Analysis of Active-Site Distribution in ZSM-5 Crystals by Infrared Microscopy. Journal of Catalysis 1993, 143, 388–394.
Journal Article
Monnier, A.; Schüth, F.; Huo, Q.; Kumar, D.; Margolese, D.; Maxwell, R. S.; Sucky, G. D.; Krishnamurty, M.; Petroff, P.; Firouzi, A.; Janicke, M.; Chmelka, B. F. Cooperative Formation of Inorganic-Organic Interfaces in the Synthesis of Silicate Mesostructures. Science 1993, 261, 1299–1303.
Journal Article
Althoff, R.; Schulz-Dobrick, B.; Schüth, F.; Unger, K. Controlling the Spatial Distribution of Aluminum in ZSM-5 Crystals. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 1993, 1, 207–218.
Journal Article
Gügel, A.; Müllen, K.; Reichert, H.; Schmidt, W.; Schön, G.; Schüth, F.; Spickermann, J.; Titman, J.; Unger, K. The Incorporation of C60 in Molecular Sieves. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1993, 32, 556–557.
Journal Article
Grebner, M. D.; Reich, A.; Schüth, F.; Unger, K. K.; Franz, K. D. Influence of Synthesis Conditions on the Morphology of Dodecasil 1H. Zeolites 1993, 13, 139–144.
Journal Article
Schüth, F. Polarized Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy as a Tool for Structural Analysis of Adsorbates in Molecular Sieves. The Journal of Physical Chemistry 1992, 96, 7493–7496.
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