Publications of Ferdi Schüth
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Journal Article (472)
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Rinaldi, R.; Meine, N.; Käldström, M.; Hilgert, J.; Kaufman-Rechulski, M. D. Mechanocatalytic Depolymerization of Cellulose and Raw Biomass and Downstream Processing of the Products. Special Issue of the 2nd International Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries (CatBior 2013) 2014, No. 234, 24–30.
Journal Article
Wang, G.-H.; Hilgert, J.; Richter, F. H.; Wang, F.; Bongard, H.-J.; Spliethoff, B.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F. Platinum-Cobalt Bimetallic Nanoparticles in Hollow Carbon Nanospheres for Hydrogenolysis of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural. Nature Materials 2014, 13, 293–300.
Journal Article
Galeano Nunez, D. C.; ; ; Bongard, H.-J.; ; ; Mezzavilla, S.; Schüth, F.; Design Criteria for Stable Pt/C Fuel Cell Catalysts. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 2014, 5, 44–67.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; ; Obituary Hellmut G. Karge (1931–2013). Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2014, 184, 70–71.
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Journal Article
Galeano, C.; Baldizzone, C.; Bongard, H.-J.; Spliethoff, B.; Weidenthaler, C.; Meier, J. C.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Schüth, F. Carbon-Based Yolk–Shell Materials for Fuel Cell Applications. Advanced Functional Materials 2014, 24, 220–232.
Journal Article
Schüth, F. Encapsulation Strategies in Energy Conversion Materials. Chemistry of Materials 2014, 26, 423–434.
Journal Article
Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Schüth, F.; Terasaki, O. Direct Observation and Analysis of York-Shell Materials Using Low-Voltage High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy: Nanometal-Particles Encapsulated in Metal-Oxide, Carbon, and Polymer. APL Materials 2014, 2, 113317–113311-113317–113317.
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Journal Article
Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Schüth, F.; Terasaki, O. Direct Observation and Analysis of York-Shell Materials Using Low-Voltage High-Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy: Nanometal-Particles Encapsulated in Metal-Oxide, Carbon, and Polymer. APL Materials 2014, 2, 113317–113311-113317–113317.
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Journal Article
Bazula, P.; Arnal, P.; Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Zibrowius, B.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F. Highly Microporous Monodisperse Silica Spheres Synthesized by the Stöber Process. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2014, 200, 317–325.
Journal Article
Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Meier, J. C.; Soorholtz, M.; Bongard, H.-J.; Baldizzone, C.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Schüth, F. Nitrogen-Doped Hollow Carbon Spheres as a Support for Platinum-Based Electrocatalysts. ACS Catalysis 2014, 4, 3856–3868.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Energiespeicher für die Zukunft. Der Umbau des Energiesystems Erfordert Speicher mit Unterschiedlicher Kapazität und Speicherzeit. Physik Journal 2014, 13, 31–36.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Gu, D. Synthesis of non-Siliceous Mesoporous Oxides. Chemical Society Reviews 2014, 43, 313–344.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Recent Progress in Scanning Electron Microscopy for the Characterization of Fine Structural Details of Nano Materials. Progress in Solid State Chemistry 2014, 42, 1–21.
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Journal Article
Trotus, I.-T.; Zimmermann, T.; Schüth, F. Catalytic Reactions of Acetylene: A Feedstock for the Chemical Industry Revisited. Chemical Reviews 2014, 114, 1761–1782.
Journal Article
Schüth, F. Special Issue of the 2nd International Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries (CatBior 2013) Preface. Catalysis Today 2014, 234, 1–1.
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Journal Article
Grewe, T.; Deng, X.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F.; Tüysüz, H. Design of Ordered Mesoporous Composite Materials and Their Electrocatalytic Activities for Water Oxidation. Chemistry of Materials 2013, 25, 4926–4935.
Journal Article
Richter, F. H.; Meng, Y.; Klasen, T.; Sahraoui, L.; Schüth, F. Structural Mimicking of Inorganic Catalyst Supports with Polydivinylbenzene to Improve Performance in the Selective Aerobic Oxidation of Ethanol and Glycerol in Water. Journal of Catalysis 2013, 308, 341–351.
Journal Article
Immohr, S.; Felderhoff, M.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F. An Orders-of-Magnitude Increase in the Rate of the Solid-Catalyzed CO Oxidation by In Situ Ball Milling. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 12688–12691.
Journal Article
Tagliazucca, V.; Schlichte, K.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F. Molybdenum-Based Catalysts for the Decomposition of Ammonia: In Situ X-Ray Diffraction Studies, Microstructure, and Catalytic Properties. Journal of Catalysis 2013, 305, 277–289.
Journal Article
Schüth, F. Colloidal Deposition as Method to Study the Influence of the Support on the Activity of Gold Catalysts in CO-Oxidation. Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 2013, 250, 1142–1151.