Publications of Ferdi Schüth

Journal Article (472)

Journal Article
Carrasquillo-Flores, R.; Rinaldi, R.; Käldström, M.; Schüth, F.; Dumesic, J. A. Mechanocatalytic Depolymerization of Dry (Ligno)Cellulose As an Entry Process for High-Yield Production of Furfurals. ACS Catalysis 2013, 3, 993–997.
Journal Article
Zheng, W.; Cotter, T. P.; Kaghazchi, P.; Jacob, T.; Frank, B.; Schlichte, K.; Zhang, W.; Su, D. S.; Schüth, F.; Schloegl, R. Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Molybdenum Carbide and Nitride as Catalysts for Ammonia Decomposition. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 3458–3464.
Journal Article
Richter, F. H.; Pupovac, K.; Palkovits, R.; Schüth, F. Set of Acidic Resin Catalysts To Correlate Structure and Reactivity in Fructose Conversion to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural. ACS Catalysis 2013, 3, 123–127.
Journal Article
Lim, I. H.; Schrader, W.; Schüth, F. The Formation of Zeolites from Solution - Analysis by Mass Spectrometry. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2013, 166, 20–36.
Journal Article
Schüth, F. Your Journal for High Science. Chemistry of Materials 2013, 24, 1–2.
Journal Article
Hilgert, J.; Meine, N.; Rinaldi, R.; Schüth, F. Mechanocatalytic Depolymerization of Cellulose Combined with Hydrogenolysis as a Highly Efficient Pathway to Sugar Alcohols. Energy & Environmental Science 2013, 6, 92–96.
Journal Article
Soorholtz, M.; White, R.; Zimmermann, T.; Titirici, M.-M.; Antonietti, M.; Palkovits, R.; Schüth, F. Direct Methane Oxidation over Pt-Modified Nitrogen-Doped Carbons. Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 240–240.
Journal Article
Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Meier, J. C.; Peinecke, V.; Bongard, H.-J.; Katsounaros, I.; Topalov, A. A.; Lu, A. H.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Schüth, F. Toward Highly Stable Electrocatalysts Via Nanoparticle Pore Confinement. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 20457–20465.
Journal Article
Jiang, H.; Bongard, H.-J.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F. One-Pot Synthesis of Mesoporous Cu-γ-Al2O3 as Bifunctional Catalyst for Direct Dimethyl Ether Synthesis. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2012, No. Volume 164, 3–8.
Journal Article
Tüysüz, H.; Schüth, F. Ordered Mesoporous Materials as Catalysts. Advances in Catalysis 2012, 55, 127–239.
Journal Article
Tüysüz, H.; Weidenthaler, C.; Grewe, T.; Salabaş, E. L.; Benitez Romero, M. J.; Schüth, F. A Crystal Structure Analysis and Magnetic Investigation on Highly Ordered Mesoporous Cr2O3. Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 51, 11745–11752 .
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Meier, J. C.; Katsounaros, I.; Topalov, A. A.; Kostka, A.; Mayrhofer, K. J.; Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Bongard, H.-J.; Karschin, A. Stability Investigations of Electrocatalysts on the Nanoscale. Energy & Environmental Science 2012, 2, 9319–9330.
Journal Article
Dangwal Pandey, A.; Jia, C.; Schmidt, W.; Leoni, M.; Schwickardi, M.; Schüth, F.; Weidenthaler, C. Size-Controlled Synthesis and Microstructure Investigation of Co3O4 Nanoparticles for Low Temperature CO Oxidation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012, 116, 19405–19412.
Journal Article
Meine, N.; Rinaldi, R.; Schüth, F. Solvent-Free Catalytic Depolymerization of Cellulose to Water-Soluble Oligosaccharides. ChemSusChem 2012, 5, 1449–1454.
Journal Article
Tüysüz, H.; Salabaş, E.-L.; Bill, E.; Bongard, H.; Spliethoff, B.; Lehmann, C. W.; Schüth, F. Synthesis of Hard Magnetic Ordered Mesoporous Co3O4 /CoFe2O4 Nanocomposites. Chemistry of Materials 2012, 24, 2493–2500 .
Journal Article
Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Katsounarus, I.; Topalov, A.; Kostka, A.; Meier, J.; Mayrhofer, K.; Schüth, F. Degradation Mechanisms of Pt/C Fuel Cell Catalysts under Simulated Start-Stop Conditions. ACS Catalysis 2012, 2, 832–843.
Journal Article
Güttel, R.; Paul, M.; Galeano Nunez, D. C.; Schüth, F. Au,@ZrO2 Yolk-Shell Catalysts for CO Oxidation: Study of Particle Size Effect by Ex-Post Size Control of Au Cores. Journal of Catalysis 2012, 289, 100–104.
Journal Article
Tüysüz, H.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F. A Strategy for the Synthesis of Mesostructured Metal Oxides with Lower Oxidation States. Chemistry – A European Journal 2012, 18, 5080–5086.
Journal Article
Pommerin, A.; Wosylus, A.; Felderhoff, M.; Schüth, F.; Weidenthaler, C. Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Hydrogen-Storage Properties of Eu(AlH4)(2) and Sr(AlH4)(2) and of Their Decomposition Intermediates, EuAlH5 and SrAlH5. Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 51, 4143–4150.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Palkovits, R.; Schlögl, R.; Su, D. Ammonia as a Possible Element in an Energy Infrastructure: Catalysts for Ammonia Decomposition. Energy & Environmental Science 2012, 5, 6278–6289.
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