Publications of Alexander A. Auer

Journal Article (48)

Journal Article
Schiavo, E.; Bhattacharyya, K.; Mehring, M.; Auer, A. A. Are Heavy Pnictogen-π Interactions Really “π Interactions”? Chemistry – A European Journal 2021, 27, 14520–14526.
Journal Article
Caló, F. P.; Bistoni, G.; Auer, A. A.; Leutzsch, M.; Fürstner, A. Triple Resonance Experiments for the Rapid Detection of 103Rh NMR Shifts: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study into Dirhodium and Bismuth–Rhodium Paddlewheel Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 12473–12479.
Journal Article
Stoychev, G. L.; Auer, A. A.; Gauss, J.; Neese, F. DLPNO-MP2 Second Derivatives for the Computation of Polarizabilities and NMR Shieldings. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 154, 164110.
Journal Article
Bhattacharyya, K.; Poidevin, C.; Auer, A. A. Structure and Reactivity of IrOx Nanoparticles for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Electrocatalysis: An Electronic Structure Theory Study. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2021, 125, 4379–4390.
Journal Article
Poidevin, C.; Auer, A. A. Investigating the Stability of Graphitic Carbon Materials in Electrocatalysis Using Electronic Structure Methods. Carbon 2021, 171, 618–633.
Journal Article
Dittmer, A.; Stoychev, G. L.; Maganas, D.; Auer, A. A.; Neese, F. Computation of NMR Shielding Constants for Solids Using an Embedded Cluster Approach with DFT, Double-Hybrid DFT, and MP2. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2020, 16, 6950–6967.
Journal Article
Auer, A. A.; Tran, V. A.; Sharma, B.; Stoychev, G. L.; Marx, D.; Neese, F. A Case Study of Density Functional Theory and Domain-Based Local Pair Natural Orbital Coupled Cluster for Vibrational Effects on EPR Hyperfine Coupling Constants: Vibrational Perturbation Theory Versus Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics. Molecular Physics 2020, 118, e1797916.
Journal Article
Farmani, Z.; Vetere, A.; Poidevin, C.; Auer, A. A.; Schrader, W. Studying Natural Buckyballs and Buckybowls in Fossil Materials. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 15008–15013.
Journal Article
Fritzsche, A.-M.; Scholz, S.; Krasowska, M.; Bhattacharyya, K.; Toma, A. M.; Silvestru, C.; Korb, M.; Rüffer, T.; Lang, H.; Auer, A. A.; Mehring, M. Evaluation of Bismuth-Based Dispersion Energy Donors – Synthesis, Structure and Theoretical Study of 2-Biphenylbismuth(Iii) Derivatives. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2020, 22, 10189–10211.
Journal Article
Gottschalk, H. C.; Poblotzki, A.; Fatima, M.; Obenchain, D. A.; Pérez, C.; Antony, J.; Auer, A. A.; Baptista, L.; Benoit, D. M.; Bistoni, G.; Bohle, F.; Dahmani, R.; Firaha, D.; Grimme, S.; Hansen, A.; Harding, M. E.; Hochlaf, M.; Holzner, C.; Jansen, G.; Klopper, W.; Kopp, W. A.; Krasowska, M.; Kröger, L. C.; Leonhard, K.; Mogren Al-Mogren, M.; Mouhib, H.; Neese, F.; Pereira, M. N.; Prakash, M.; Ulusoy, I. S.; Mata, R. A.; Suhm, M. A.; Schnell, M. The First Microsolvation Step for Furans: New Experiments and Benchmarking Strategies. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2020, 152, 164303.
Journal Article
Dai, Y.; Poidevin, C.; Ochoa-Hernández, C.; Auer, A. A.; Tüysüz, H. A Supported Bismuth Halide Perovskite Photocatalyst for Selective Aliphatic and Aromatic C–H Bond Activation. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2020, 59, 5788–5796.
Journal Article
Krasowska, M.; Fritzsche, A.-M.; Mehring, M.; Auer, A. A. Balancing Donor‐Acceptor and Dispersion Effects in Heavy Main Group Element π Interactions: Effect of Substituents on the Pnictogen···π Arene Interaction. ChemPhysChem 2019, 20, 2539–2552.
Journal Article
Dzialkowski, K.; Gehlhaar, A.; Wölper, C.; Auer, A. A.; Schulz, S. Structure and Reactivity of 1,8-Bis(Naphthalenediyl)Dipnictanes. Organometallics 2019, 38, 2927–2942.
Journal Article
Poidevin, C.; Paciok, P.; Heegen, M.; Auer, A. A. High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy and Electronic Structure Theory Investigation of Platinum Nanoparticles on Carbon Black. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2019, 150, 041705.
Journal Article
Kitschke, P.; Preda, A.-M.; Auer, A. A.; Scholz, S.; Rüffer, T.; Lang, H.; Mehring, M. Spirocyclic Tin Salicyl Alcoholates – a Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study on their Structures, 119Sn NMR Chemical Shifts and Reactivity in Thermally Induced Twin Polymerization. Dalton Transactions 2019, 48, 220–230.
Journal Article
Stoychev, G. L.; Auer, A. A.; Neese, F. Efficient and Accurate Prediction of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Shielding Tensors with Double-Hybrid Density Functional Theory. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018, 14, 4756–4771.
Journal Article
Preda, A.-M.; Krasowska, M. E.; Wrobel, L.; Kitschke, P.; Andrews, P. C.; MacLellan, J. G.; Mertens, L.; Korb, M.; Rüffer, T.; Lang, H.; Auer, A. A.; Mehring, M. Evaluation of Dispersion Type Metal···π Arene Interaction in Arylbismuth Compounds - an Experimental and Theoretical Study. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry 2018, 14, 2125–2145.
Journal Article
Stoychev, G. L.; Auer, A. A.; Izsák, R.; Neese, F. Self-Consistent Field Calculation of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Chemical Shielding Constants Using Gauge-Including Atomic Orbitals and Approximate Two-Electron Integrals. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018, 14, 619–637.
Journal Article
Gottschalk, H. C.; Poblotzki, A.; Suhm, M. A.; Al-Mogren, M. M.; Antony, J.; Auer, A. A.; Baptista, L.; Benoit, D. M.; Bistoni, G.; Bohle, F.; Dahmani, R.; Firaha, D.; Grimme, S.; Hansen, A.; Harding, M. E.; Hochlaf, M.; Holzner, C.; Jansen, G.; Klopper, W.; Kopp, W. A.; Kröger, L. C.; Leonhard, K.; Mouhib, H.; Neese, F.; Pereira, M. N.; Ulusoy, I. S.; Wuttke, A.; Mata, R. A. The Furan Microsolvation Blind Challenge for Quantum Chemical Methods: First Steps. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018, 148, 014301.
Journal Article
Auer, A. A.; Bistoni, G.; Kitschke, P.; Mehring, M.; Ebert, T.; Spange, S. Electronic Structure Calculations and Experimental Studies on the Thermal Initiation of the Twin Polymerization Process. ChemPlusChem 2017, 82, 1396–1407.
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