Publications of W. Schmidt

Journal Article (142)

Journal Article
Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F.; Reichert, H.; Unger, K.; Zibrowius, B.: VPI-5 and related aluminophosphates: Preparation and thermal stability. Zeolites 12 (1), pp. 2 - 8 (1992)
Journal Article
Spichtinger, R.; Kanz-Reuschel, B.; Wallau, M.; Schüth, F.; Schmidt, W.; Unger, K.K.: Zeolithe, maßgeschneiderte synthetische Molekularsiebe für neue Anwendungen in Chemie. Universität Mainz: Forschungsmagazin 2, pp. 42 - 46 (1991)

Book Chapter (15)

Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F.; Weidenthaler, C.: Diffraction and Spectroscopy of Porous Solids. In: Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II (Second Edition). From Elements to Applications; Volume 5: Porous Materials and Nanomaterials, Vol. Volume 5, pp. 1 - 24 (Eds. Reedijk, J.; Poeppelmeier, K.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2013)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.: Synthetic Inorganic Ion Exchange. In: Ion Exchange Technology I, Vol. 1, pp. 277 - 298 (Eds. Inamuddin; Luqman, M.). Springer (2012)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.: Titanium-based nanoporous materials. In: Ordered Porous Solids, pp. 51 - 75 (Eds. Valtchev, V.; Mintova, S.; Tsapatsis, M.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2009)
Book Chapter
Rumplecker, A.; Zibrowius, B.; Schmidt, W.; Yang, C.-M.; Schüth, F.: Evolution of mesoporosity and microporosity of SBA-15 during a treatment with sulfuric acid. In: Recent Progress in Mesostructured Materials, pp. 195 - 198 (Eds. Zhao, D.; Qiu, S.; Tang, Y.; Yu, C.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2007)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.: Microporous and Mesoporous Catalysts. In: Surface and Nanomolecular Catalysis, pp. 95 - 139 (Ed. Richards, R.). CRC/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton (2006)
Book Chapter
Palkovits, R.; Ilhan, Y.; Schmidt, W.; Yang, C.-M.; Erdem-Sentalar, A.; Schüth, F.: Beckmann rearrangement on microporous and mesoporous silica. In: Molecular Sieves: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications, Studies in Surface Science and Catalalysis, Vol. 158, Vol.158 Ed., pp. 1255 - 1262 (Ed. Cejka, J.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2005)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.: Synthetische Silicate. In: Chemische Technology (Winnacker-Küchler), pp. 849 - 850 (Eds. Dittmeyer, R.; Keim, W.; Kreysa, G.; Oberholz, A.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2005)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.: Synthetische Zeolithe. In: Chemische Technology (Winnacker-Küchler), pp. 834 - 849 (Eds. Dittmeyer, R.; Keim, W.; Kreysa, G.; Oberholz, A.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2005)
Book Chapter
Ågren, P.; Thomson, S.; Ilhan, Y.; Zibrowius, B.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F.: Chemical linking of MFI-type colloidal zeolite crystals. In: Impact of Zeolites and other Porous Materials on the New Technologies at the Beginning of the New Millenium, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 143 Ed., pp. 159 - 166 (Eds. Aiello, R.; Testa, F.; Giordano, G.). Elsevier, amsterdam (2002)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.: Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy. In: Handbook of Porous Solids, Vol. 1, pp. 506 - 532 (Eds. Schüth, F.; Sing, K. S. W.; Weitkamp, J.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2002)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.: Application of Microporous Materials as Ion-Exchangers. In: Handbook of Porous Solids, Vol. 2, pp. 1058 - 1097 (Eds. Schüth, F.; Sing, K. S. W.; Weitkamp, J.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2002)
Book Chapter
Schwickardi, M.; Johann, T.; Schmidt, W.; Busch, O.; Schüth, F.: High surface area metal oxides from matrix assisted preparation in activated carbons. In: Impact of Zeolites and other Porous Materials on the New Technologies at the Beginning of the New Millenium, Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 143 Ed., pp. 93 - 100 (Eds. Gaigneaux, E.; De Vos, D. E.; Grange, P.; Jacobs, P. A.; Martens, J. A. et al.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2002)
Book Chapter
Schmidt, W.; Toktarev, A.V.; Schüth, F.; Ione, K.G.; Unger, K.: 02-P-23 - The influence of different silica sources on the crystallization kinetics of zeolite beta. In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 135, p. 190. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2001)
Book Chapter
Kestenbaum, H.; Lange de Oliveira, A.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F.; Ehrfeld, W.; Gebauer, K.; Löwe, H.; Richter, T.: Synthesis of ethylene oxide in a microreaction system. Applied Mineralogy in Research, Economy, Technology, Ecology and Culture. In: Microreaction Technology: Industrial Prospects, pp. 207 - 212 (Eds. Rammlmair, D.; Mederer, J.; Oberthür, T.; Heimann, R.B.; Pentinghaus, H.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2000)
Book Chapter
Richter, T.; Ehrfeld, W.; Erntner, D.; Gebauer, K.; Golbig, K.; Hausner, O.; Löwe, H.; Lange de Oliveira, A.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F.: Microstructured Reactor for Consecutive Heterogeneous/Homogeneous Gas Phase Reactions. In: Microreaction Technology: Industrial Prospects, pp. 687 - 693. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2000)

Conference Paper (5)

Conference Paper
Weidenthaler, C.; Mao, Y.; Schmidt, W.: Mixed CoNiAl spinels synthesized from ion-exchanged zeolites A and X. In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 158, Vol. 158, pp. 415 - 422 (Eds. Čejka, J.; Žilková, N.; Nachtigall, P.). Molecular Sieves: From Basic Research to Industrial Applications; Proceedings of the 3rd International Zeolite Symposium (3rd FEZA), Prague, Czech Republic, August 23, 2005 - August 26, 2005. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2005)
Conference Paper
Weidenthaler, C.; Mao, Y.; Schmidt, W.: Competitive ion exchange of transition metals in low silica zeolites. In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 142, pp. 1857 - 1864 (Eds. Aiello, R.; Giordano, G.; Testa, F.). Impact of Zeolites and other Porous Materials on the New Technologies at the Beginning of the New Millenium, 2nd International FEZA (Federation of the European Zeolite Associations) Conference, Taormina, Italy, September 01, 2002 - September 05, 2002. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2002)
Conference Paper
Schmidt, W.; Weidenthaler, C.: Heavy metal exchanged zeolites as precursors for high temperature stable phases. In: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, Vol. 135, Vol. 135, pp. 1569 - 1576 (Eds. Galarneau, A.; Fajula, F.; Di Renzo, F.; Védrine, J.). Zeolites and Mesoporous Materials at the dawn of the 21st century, Proceedings of the 13th International Zeolite Conference, Montpellier, France, June 08, 2001 - June 13, 2001. Elsevier, Amsterdam (2001)
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