Publications of Dimitrios A. Pantazis

Journal Article (144)

Journal Article
Pantazis, D. A.; McGrady, J. E.; Lynam, J. M.; Russell, C. A.; Green, M. Structure and Bonding in the Isoelectronic Series CnHnP5−n+: is Phosphorus a Carbon Copy? Dalton Transactions 2004, No. 14, 2080–2086.
Journal Article
Pantazis, D. A.; Tsipis, A. C.; Tsipis, C. A. Theoretical Study on the Mechanism of Reaction of Ground-State Fe Atoms with Carbon Dioxide. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 2004, 69, 13–33.
Journal Article
Pantazis, D. A.; McGrady, J. E. On the Nature of the Bonding in 1:1 Adducts of O2. Inorganic Chemistry 2003, 42, 7734–7736.
Journal Article
Pantazis, D. A.; Tsipis, A. C.; Tsipis, C. A. Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Study of the Coordination Preferences and Catalytic Role of Cu+ Ions in the Dehydration Reactions of Hydroxyformaldoxime Conformers and the Oxidation of HCN to Hydroxyformaldoxime by Hydrogen Peroxide. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2002, 106, 1425–1440.

Book Chapter (8)

Book Chapter
Pantazis, D. A. Biological Water Splitting. In Energy, Environment and New Materials: Hydrogen Production and Energy Transition (Vol. 1); Van de Voorde, M., Ed.; Van de Voorde, M., Series ed.; de Gruyter: Berlin, 2021; pp 427–468.
Book Chapter
Pantazis, D. A. Natural and Artificial Photosynthesis. In Solar-to-Chemical Conversion: Photocatalytic and Photoelectrochemcial Processes; Sun, H., Ed.; Sun, H., Series ed.; Wiley-VCH GmbH: Weinheim, 2021; pp 41–76.
Book Chapter
Krewald, V.; Pantazis, D. A. Applications of the Density Matrix Renormalization Group to Exchange-Coupled Transition Metal Systems. In Transition Metals in Coordination Environments. Vol. 29 of Series: Challenges and Advances in Computatonal Chemistry and Physics; Broclawik, E., Borowski, T., Radoń, M., Eds.; Broclawik, E., Borowski, T., Radoń, M., Series Eds.; Springer: Cham, 2019; Vol. 29, pp 91–120.
Book Chapter
Krewald, V.; Retegan, M.; Pantazis, D. A. Principles of Natural Photosynthesis; Tüysüz, H., Chan, C. K., Eds.; Tüysüz, H., Chan, C. K., Series Eds.; Topics in Current Chemistry 371-Solar Energy for Fuels; Springer: Cham, 2016; Vol. 371, pp 23–48.
Book Chapter
Pantazis, D. A.; Cox, N.; Lubitz, W.; Neese, F. Oxygen‐Evolving Photosystem II. In Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry; Scott, R. A., Messerschmid, A., Nicolet, Y., Eds.; Scott, R. A., Messerschmid, A., Nicolet, Y., Series Eds.; John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, 2014.
Book Chapter
DeBeer, S.; van Gastel, M.; Bill, E.; Ye, S.; Petrenko, T.; Pantazis, D. A.; Neese, F. 4.5 Challenges in Molecular Energy Research. In Chemical Energy Storage; Schlögl, R., Ed.; Schlögl, R., Series ed.; Walter De Gruyter: Berlin, 2012.
Book Chapter
Neese, F.; Ames, W.; Christian, G.; Kampa, M.; Liakos, D. G.; Pantazis, D. A.; Roemelt, M.; Surawatanawong, P.; Shengfa, Y. E. Dealing with Complexity in Open-Shell Transition Metal Chemistry from a Theoretical Perspective: Reaction Pathways, Bonding, Spectroscopy, And Magnetic Properties; van Eldik, R., Harvey, J., Eds.; van Eldik, R., Harvey, J., Series Eds.; Advances in Inorganic Chemistry; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2010; Vol. 62, pp 301–349.
Book Chapter
Pantazis, D. A. Computational Studies of Palladium Catalysts for Cross-Coupling Reactions. In Science and Supercomputing in Europe; Albergio, P., Erbacci, G., Garofalo, F., Eds.; Albergio, P., Erbacci, G., Garofalo, F., Series Eds.; Cineca: Bologna, Italy, 2006; pp 144–150.
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