Prof. Manfred T. Reetz has received from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) the award of a Distinguished Scientist 2018

As part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI), a limited number of three international persons from all areas of science are chosen each year for the title of a Distinguished Scientist. Manfred T. Reetz has received this prestigious award due to his extensive past and present collaborations with chemists and biotechnologists in China leading to numerous scientific publications in high-ranking journals. He will spend two weeks in May of this year lecturing at several institutions in China, including the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biocatalysis of the CAS. Recently he accepted the position of an Adjunct Professor at this Institute, where joint projects with his former Max-Planck-Society postdoc and current Full Professor, Zhoutong Sun, will continue.