Great appeal for the work of Frank Neese
Scientist travels to the US and is named “Top Cited Author” by Wiley
The Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung is delighted about the great response to the work of its scientists - for example Prof. Frank Neese, Director of the Department of Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy.

Prof. Neese recently gave a lecture on the fascinating world of magnetic molecules as part of the "Frontiers in Chemical Physics" series at Ohio State University in Columbus/USA. He explored the question of why the electronic structure of molecules plays an important role in chemistry.
For Neese, as well as for his colleagues on the board of directors, scientific exchange with international colleagues and highly motivated students is an essential component of his work. "These meetings are very important and inspiring for our research," Neese says.
Equally important for researchers is the response their scientific papers in journals. And so Neese is pleased that the British publisher Wiley has named him a "Top Cited Author" in their WIREs Computational Molecular Science journal. This is especially good news because the paper in question is about ORCA, the quantum chemistry program being developed by Neese and his group.
More than 50.000 chemists, biochemists and physicists use this program, making ORCA the second most used quantum chemistry program in the world. The use in an academic context is free of charge ( Only if companies want to use Orca for commercial purposes, there is a license fee (contact for commercial users: