Minerva’s daughters: A question of balance
Xin Gui works as Postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung
On the occasion of International Women's Day, we again introduce a female colleague at the Institute. Chemists at the institute do not always work in the lab, sometimes mainly on the computer - like Xin Gui from the Department of Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy.

Xin Gui works as a postdoc in the group of Alexander Auer in the department of Molecular Theory and Spectroscopy since May 2021. She comes from Wuhan, China, where she also completed her Bachelor of Science . She came to Groningen for her Master of Science, before she conducted her PhD in theoretical chemistry at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
What brought you here? Tell us about your way to the Kohlenforschung!
Xin Gui: After I finished my PhD in Germany, I got to know a postdoc opportunity from Kofo. This is a renowned institute and offers a great platform to conduct research in theoretical and computational chemistry.
What do you like about your job?
Xin: I enjoy the friendly and fruitful communication and collaboration with people.
What are your professional goals?
Xin: Besides working in academia, I want to become a science educator and communicator. I hope to translate scientific knowledge into meaningful stories, and bridge the gap between scientists and the public.
What was your most difficult step so far?
Xin: To balance motherhood and work. As a working mom, it is never easy to juggle a full-time job and a young child, and I am still trying to reach the balance between profession and parenthood.
Who is your Role Model?
Xin: Angela Merkel. Trained as a quantum chemist (like me ) and then became a world leader, she has shown the world what women can achieve in a male-dominated field. Though she has been both revered and reviled, there is no doubt that all women can learn something from her story.
What is your advice to young girls interested in a job in a scientific institution?
Xin: Never put limits on yourself. Instead, push your limits and see what can happen.
If you could make one wish: What would it be?
Xin: One world, one family. People support each other through the hard times and cheer each other on through the good times.
8th of March has been International Women’s Day for many years. You want to find out more? This way, please.