
Research Topic Nanoparticle Aggregates

Many synthesis techniques deliver interesting brick stones for nanotechnology, but how can we assemble them in a reasonable manner? Very likely, there is not a single universal procedure to construct nano devices. Such devices have to be generated by a whole hierarchy of assembly steps. The aggregation in emulsions is a promising tool on the lowest hierarchy level. NPAs are one possible step towards more complicating assemblies. This research area was active in our research group until 2013, but it has still an influence on the on-going research.

D. Schunk, S. Hardt, H. Wiggers, F. Marlow:
Monodisperse titania microspheres via controlled nanoparticle aggregation.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 (2012) 7490-7496.
DOI: 10.1039/C2CP40658F

General Description:
D. Schunk, F. Marlow: NanoEnergie 7
(CENIDE Newsletter Juni 2012)

Former activities

DFG Schwerpunkt 1113 "Photonische Kristalle"

EURESCO Conference: Guest-Functionalized Molecular-Sieve Systems, Hattingen 2004

Other Authors on Our Works 

"Coiled Stones" Max Planck Society, Press Release, June 13, 2006

"Hariboschnecken im Reagenzglas" Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Presseinformation, May 8, 2006

"Gas Diffusion and Microstructral Properties of Ordered Mesoporous Silica Fibres-"
Y.S. Lin and H. Alsyouri, J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 11606

"Chemists direct silicon oxide into a selected hierarchical structure", June 14, 2006

"Schnecken im Reagenzglas" in, May 2006

"The Architecture of the Very Small"
Nancy K. McGuire, Today´s Chemist at Work, November 2003


Impressions of the Open House Day on May 24, 2014

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