Publikationen von Claudia Weidenthaler

Zeitschriftenartikel (179)

Yu, M.; Waag, F.; Chan, C. K.; Weidenthaler, C.; Barcikowski, S.; Tüysüz, H. Laser Fragmentation‐Induced Defect‐Rich Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 520–528.
Amrute, A. P.; Łodziana, Z.; Schreyer, H.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F. High-surface-area corundum by mechanochemically induced phase transformation of boehmite. Science 2019, 366, 485–489.
Makepeace, J. W.; He, T.; Weidenthaler, C.; Jensen, T. R.; Chang, F.; Vegge, T.; Ngene, P.; Kojima, Y.; de Jongh, P. E.; Chen, P.; David, W. I. F. Reversible ammonia-based and liquid organic hydrogen carriers for high-density hydrogen storage: Recent progress. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2019, 44, 7746–7767.
Ortatatlı, Ş.; Ternieden, J.; Weidenthaler, C. Low Temperature Formation of Ruddlesden–Popper-Type Layered La2CoO4±δ Perovskite Monitored via In Situ X-ray Powder Diffraction. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2018, 2018, 5238–5245.
Tseng, J.-C.; Gu, D.; Pistidda, C.; Horstmann, C.; Dornheim, M.; Ternieden, J.; Weidenthaler, C. Tracking the Active Catalyst for Iron-Based Ammonia Decomposition by In Situ Synchrotron Diffraction Studies. ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 4465–4472.
Dodekatos, G.; Ternieden, J.; Schünemann, S.; Weidenthaler, C.; Tüysüz, H. Promoting effect of solvent on Cu/CoO catalyst for selective glycerol oxidation under alkaline conditions. Catalysis Science & Technology 2018, 8, 4891–4899.
Ortatatlı, Ş.; Knossalla, J.; Schüth, F.; Weidenthaler, C. Monitoring the formation of PtNi nanoalloys supported on hollow graphitic spheres using in situ pair distribution function analysis. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20, 8466–8474.
Beine, A. K.; Krüger, A. J. D.; Artz, J.; Weidenthaler, C.; Glotzbach, C.; Hausoul, P. J. C.; Palkovits, R. Selective production of glycols from xylitol over Ru on covalent triazine frameworks - suppressing decarbonylation reactions. Green Chemistry 2018, 20, 1316–1322.
Weidenthaler, C.; Felderhoff, M.; Bernert, T.; Sørby , M. H.; Hauback, B. C.; Krech, D. Synthesis, Crystal Structure Analysis and Decomposition of RbAlH4. Crystals 2018, 8, 103.
Rein, D.; Ortega, K. F.; Weidenthaler, C.; Bill, E.; Behrens, M. The roles of Co-precipitation pH, phase-purity and alloy formation for the ammonia decomposition activity of Ga-promoted Fe/MgO catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General 2017, 548, 52–61.
Deng, X.; Rin, R.; Tseng, J.-C.; Weidenthaler, C.; Apfel, U.-P.; Tüysüz, H. Monodispersed Mesoporous Silica Spheres Supported Co3O4 as Robust Catalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ChemCatChem 2017, 9, 4238–4243.
Deng, X.; Öztürk, S.; Weidenthaler, C.; Tüysüz, H. Iron-Induced Activation of Ordered Mesoporous Nickel Cobalt Oxide Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2017, 9, 21225–21233.
Marzun, G.; Bönnemann, H.; Lehmann, C.; Spliethoff, B.; Weidenthaler, C.; Barcikowski, S. Role of Dissolved and Molecular Oxygen on Cu and PtCu Alloy Particle Structure during Laser Ablation Synthesis in Liquids. ChemPhysChem 2017, 18, 1175–1184.
Ley, M. B.; Bernert, T.; Ruiz-Fuertes, J.; Goddard, R.; Farès, C.; Weidenthaler, C.; Felderhoff, M. The plastic crystalline A15 phase of dimethylaminoalane, [N(CH3)2–AlH2]3. Chemical Communications 2016, 52, 11649–11652.
Rodríguez‐Maciá, P.; Priyadarshani, N.; Dutta, A.; Weidenthaler, C.; Lubitz, W.; Shaw, W. J.; Rüdiger, O. Covalent Attachment of the Water‐insoluble Ni(PCy2NPhe2)2 Electrocatalyst to Electrodes Showing Reversible Catalysis in Aqueous Solution. Electroanalysis 2016, 28, 2452–2458.
Wang, G.-H.; Deng, X.; Gu, D.; Chen, K.; Tüysüz, H.; Spliethoff, B.; Bongard, H.-J.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F. Co3O4 Nanoparticles Supported on Mesoporous Carbon for Selective Transfer Hydrogenation of α,β-Unsaturated Aldehydes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 11101–11105.
Sager , U.; Däubner, E.; Bathen, D.; Schmidt, W.; Weidenthaler, C.; Tseng, J.-C.; Pommerin, A. Sorptive Abscheidung von Ammoniakimmissionen an Aktivkohle und deren Modifikationen bei Umgebungsbedingungen - Sorptive removal of low concentrations of ammonia on activated carbon and its modifications at ambient conditions. Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft 2016, 76, 338–343.
Gu, D.; Tseng, J.-C.; Weidenthaler, C.; Bongard, H.-J.; Spliethoff, B.; Schmidt, W.; Soulimani, F.; Weckhuysen, B. M.; Schüth, F. Gold on Different Manganese Oxides: Ultra-Low-Temperature CO Oxidation over Colloidal Gold Supported on Bulk-MnO2 Nanomaterials. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 9572–9880.
Wang, G.; Cao, Z.; Gu, D.; Pfänder, N.; Swertz, A.-C.; Spliethoff, B.; Bongard, H.-J.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schmidt, W.; Rinaldi, R.; Schüth, F. Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Supported Bimetallic PtCo Nanoparticles for Upgrading of Biophenolics. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 8850–8855.
Sager, U.; Däubner, E.; Bathen, D.; Asbach, C.; Schmidt, F.; Tseng, J.-C.; Pommerin, A.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schmidt, W. Influence of the degree of infiltration of modified activated carbons with CuO/ZnO on the separation of NO2 at ambient temperatures. Adsorption Science & Technology 2016, 34, 307–319.
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