Publikationen von Frank Neese
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Zeitschriftenartikel (623)
Kollmar, C.; Sivalingam, K.; Helmich-Paris, B.; ; Neese, F. A perturbation-based super-CI approach for the orbital optimization of a CASSCF wave function. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2019, 40, 1463–1470.
Demoulin, B. F. F.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. A domain-based local pair natural orbital implementation of the equation of motion coupled cluster method for electron attached states. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2019, 150, 164123.
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Pinski, P.; Neese, F. Analytical gradient for the domain-based local pair natural orbital second order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory method (DLPNO-MP2). The Journal of Chemical Physics 2019, 150, 164102.
Kalläne, S. I.; Hahn, A. W.; Weyhermüller, T.; Bill, E.; Neese, F.; DeBeer, S.; van Gastel, M. Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Investigation of Benzene-1,2-dithiolate-Coordinated Diiron Complexes with Relevance to Dinitrogen Activation. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58, 5111–5125.
Demoulin, B. F. F.; Neese, F.; Izsak, R.; Multilayer Approach to the IP-EOM-DLPNO-CCSD Method: Theory, Implementation, and Application. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2019, 15, 2265–2277.
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Maganas, D.; Kowalska, J. K.; ; DeBeer, S.; Neese, F. Comparison of multireference ab initio wavefunction methodologies for X- ray absorption edges: A case study on [Fe(II/III)Cl4]2-/1- molecules. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2019, 150, 104106 .
Altun, A.; ; Neese, F.; Bistoni, G. Local Energy Decomposition of Open-Shell Molecular Systems in the Domain-Based Local Pair Natural Orbital Coupled Cluster Framework. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2019, 15, 1616–1632.
Saitow, M.; ; Neese, F.; Perturbative triples correction to domain-based local pair natural orbital variants of Mukherjee's state specific coupled cluster method. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, 21, 5022–5038.
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Neese, F.; Atanasov, M.; ; Insights into Single-Molecule-Magnet Behavior from the Experimental Electron Density of Linear Two-Coordinate Iron Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58, 3211–3218.
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Atanasov, M.; ; Neese, F.; Probing Magnetic Excitations in CoII Single-Molecule Magnets by Inelastic Neutron Scattering. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 2019, 1119–1127.
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Neese, F.; Atanasov, M.; Bistoni, G.; Maganas, D.; Ye, S. Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics in 2019: Give Us Insight and Numbers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 2814–2824.
Sirohiwal, A.; Neese, F.; Pantazis, D. A. Microsolvation of the Redox-Active Tyrosine-D in Photosystem II: Correlation of Energetics with EPR Spectroscopy and Oxidation-Induced Proton Transfer. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 3217–3231.
Chang, H.-C.; ; ; Neese, F.; ; Ye, S. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Signature of Tetragonal Low Spin Iron(V)-Nitrido and -Oxo Complexes Derived from the Electronic Structure Analysis of Heme and Non-Heme Archetypes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 2421–2434.
Altun, A.; Neese, F.; Bistoni, G. Effect of Electron Correlation on Intermolecular Interactions: A Pair Natural Orbitals Coupled Cluster Based Local Energy Decomposition Study. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2019, 15, 215–228.
Neese, F. Accurate Ionization Potentials, Electron Affinities and Electronegativities of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by State-of-the-Art Local Coupled-Cluster Theory. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan 2019, 92, 170–174.
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