Publikationen von Michael Felderhoff

Zeitschriftenartikel (110)

Urbanczyk, R.; Peinecke, K.; Felderhoff, M.; Hauschild, K.; Kersten, W.; Peil, S.; Bathen, D. Aluminium alloy based hydrogen storage tank operated with sodium aluminium hexahydride Na3AlH6. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39, 17118–17128.
Hu, J.; Witter, R.; Shao, H.; Felderhoff, M.; Fichtner, M. Beneficial effects of stoichiometry and nanostructure for a LiBH4–MgH2 hydrogen storage system. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 66–72.
Immohr, S.; Felderhoff, M.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F. An Orders-of-Magnitude Increase in the Rate of the Solid-Catalyzed CO Oxidation by In Situ Ball Milling. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2013, 52, 12688–12691.
Felderhoff, M.; Urbanczyk, R.; Peil, S. Thermochemical Heat Storage for High Temperature Applications – A Review. Green 2013, 3, 113–123.
Pommerin, A.; Wosylus, A.; Felderhoff, M.; Schüth, F.; Weidenthaler, C. Synthesis, Crystal Structures, and Hydrogen-Storage Properties of Eu(AlH4)(2) and Sr(AlH4)(2) and of Their Decomposition Intermediates, EuAlH5 and SrAlH5. Inorganic Chemistry 2012, 51, 4143–4150.
Weidenthaler, C.; Felderhoff, M. Solid-state hydrogen storage for mobile applications: Quo Vadis? Energy & Environmental Science 2011, 4, 2495–2502.
Shao, H.; Felderhoff, M.; Schüth, F.; Weidenthaler, C. Nanostructured Ti-catalyzed MgH2 for hydrogen storage. Nanotechnology 2011, 22, 235401.
Felderhoff, M.; Urbanczyk, R.; Peil, S. Wasserstoffspeicherung im Festkörper-Komplexe Aluminiumhydride als Speicher für stationäre Anwendungen. H2-das Magazin für Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen 2011, 11, 20–21.
Felderhoff, M.; Zibrowius, B. Formation of Al2H7- anions - indirect evidence of volatile AlH3 on sodium alanate using solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2011, 13, 17234–17241.
Shao, H.; Felderhoff, M.; Schüth, F. Hydrogen storage properties of nanostructured MgH(2)/TiH(2) composite prepared by ball milling under high hydrogen pressure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2011, 36, 10828–10833.
Urbanczyk, R.; Peil, S.; Bathen, D.; Heßke, C.; Burfeind, J.; Hauschild, K.; Felderhoff, M.; Schüth, F. HT-PEM Fuel Cell System with Integrated Complex Metal Hydride Storage Tank. Fuel Cells 2011, 11, 911–920.
Pommerin, A.; Felderhoff, M.; Schüth, F.; Weidenthaler, C. Influence of the ball milling conditions on the preparation of rare earth aluminum hydrides. Scripta Materialia 2010, 63, 1128–1131.
Urbanczyk, R.; Peil, S.; Hauschild, K.; Felderhoff, M.; Burfeind, J.; Heßke, C. Thermisch mit einer HT-PEM-Brennstoffzelle gekoppelter H2-Speicher (NaAlH4). Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik 2010, 82, 1608.
Pommerin, A.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schüth, F.; Felderhoff, M. Direct synthesis of pure complex aluminium hydrides by cryomilling. Scripta Materialia 2010, 62, 576–578.
Weidenthaler, C.; Pommerin, A.; Felderhoff, M.; Sun, W.; Wolverton, C.; Bogdanović, B.; Schüth, F. Complex Rare-Earth Aluminum Hydrides: Mechanochemical Preparation, Crystal Structure and Potential for Hydrogen Storage. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2009, 131, 16735–16743.
Pawelke, R. H.; Felderhoff, M.; Weidenthaler, C.; Bogdanović, B.; Schüth, F. Mechanochemical Synthesis of Ternary Potassium Transition Metal Chlorides. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie 2009, 635, 265–270.
Bogdanović, B.; Felderhoff, M.; Pommerin, A.; Schüth, F.; Spielkamp, N.; Stark, A. Cycling properties of Sc- and Ce-doped NaAlH₄ hydrogen storage materials prepared by the one-step direct synthesis method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2009, 471, 383–386.
Bogdanović, B.; Felderhoff, M.; Streukens, G. Hydrogen storage in complex metal hydrides. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society 2009, 74, 183–196.
Eberle, U.; Felderhoff, M.; Schüth, F. Chemical and Physical Solutions for Hydrogen Storage. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2009, 48, 6608–6630.
Felderhoff, M.; Bogdanović, B. High Temperature Metal Hydrides as Heat Storage Materials for Solar and Related Applications. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2009, 10, 325–344.
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