Publikationen von K. S. Nagabhushana
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Zeitschriftenartikel (15)
Nagabhushana, K. S.; Bönnemann, H.; ; Combined in situ EXAFS and electrochemical investigation of the oxygen reduction reaction on unmodified and Se-modified Ru/C. Catalysis Today 2009, 147, 260–269.
; ; 2007
Nagabhushana, K. S.; Bönnemann, H. Activity of selenium modified ruthenium-electrodes and determination of the real surface area. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1485–1494.
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Nagabhushana, K. S.; Dinjus, E.; ; ; Bönnemann, H.; Activity, selectivity, and methanol tolerance of novel carbon-supported Pt and Pt₃Me (Me = Ni, Co) cathode catalysts. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1413–1427.
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Baranowska, B.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Bönnemann, H. Electroreduction of oxygen at tungsten oxide miodified carbon-supported RuSex nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1439–1446.
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Nagabhushana, K. S.; Dinjus, E.; Bönnemann, H.; ; ; ; ; ; Reductive annealing for generating Se doped 20 wt% Ru/C cathode catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1515–1522.
Nagabhushana, K. S.; Fei, W.; Kinge, S.; Bönnemann, H. PtRu colloidal catalysts: Characterisation and determination of kinetics for methanol oxidation. Electrochimica Acta 2007, 52, 2277–2284.
; ; ; 2006
Nagabhushana, K. S.; Weidenthaler, C.; ; ; ; ; Preparation, Characterization and Properties of Pt-Cu Co-reduced and Pt-on-Cu Skin Type Bimetallic Carbon-Supported (Vulcan XC72) Electrocatalysts. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 2006, 9, 73–81.
Nagabhushana, K. S.; ; ; ; ; Bonnemann, H.; ; Synthesis and structural characterization of Se-modified carbon-supported ru nanoparticles for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110, 6881–6890.
; 2005
Bönnemann, H.; ; Brijoux, W.; Hofstadt, H.-W.; ; ; ; Matoussevitch, N.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; ; Caps, V. Air stable Fe and Fe-Co magnetic fluids - synthesis and characterization. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2005, 19, 790–796.
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Brinkmann, R.; In-Situ X-Ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (Xanes) Spectroscopy of PtRu Colloid Catalysts at Operating Temperature. Physica Scripta 2005, 115, 773–775.
; ; ; 2004
Bönnemann, H.; Brijoux, W.; Brinkmann, R.; Feyer, M.; Hofstadt, W.; Khelashvili, G.; Matoussevitsch, N.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Nanostructured Transition Metals. The Strem Chemiker 2004, 21, 1–18.
Bönnemann, H.; Endruschat, U.; ; ; ; ; Mörtel, R.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Activation of Colloidal PtRu Fuel Cell Catalysts via a Thermal "Conditioning" Process. Fuel Cells 2004, 4, 297–308.
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Advantageous fuel cell catalysts from colloidal nanometals. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 2004, 7, 93–108.
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Tunable Synthetic Approaches for the Optimization of Nanostructured Fuel Cell Catalysts: A Overview. Chemical Industry (Belgrade, Yugoslavia) 2004, 58, 271–279.
Botha, S. S.; Brijoux, W.; Brinkmann, R.; Feyer, M.; Hofstadt, H.-W.; ; Kinge, S.; Matoussevitch, N.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Wen, F. A review - How nanoparticles emerged from organometallic chemistry. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2004, 18, 566–572.
Buchkapitel (6)
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Metal nanoclusters: Synthesis and strategies for their size-control. In Metal Nanoclusters in Catalysis and Materials Science: The Issue of Size Control; , , , Hrsg.; , , , Hrsg.; Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2007; S 21–48.
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Richards, R. M. Colloidal nanoparticles stabilized by surfactants or Al-organic derivatives: Preparation and use as catalyst precursors. In Nanoparticles and Catalysis; , Hrsg.; , Hrsg.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2007; S 49–91.
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Colloidal nanoparticles in catalysis. In Surface and Nanomolecular Catalysis; , Hrsg.; , Hrsg.; CRC/Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton, 2006; S 63–94.
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Colloidal Nanometals as Fuel Cell Catalyst Precursors. In Dekker Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; , , , Hrsg.; , , , Hrsg.; Marcel Dekker: New York, 2004; S 739–759.
Bönnemann, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S. Chemical Synthesis of Nanoparticles. In Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; , Hrsg.; , Hrsg.; American Scientific Publ.: Stevenson Ranch, CA, 2004; S 777–813.