Publications of Marcelo D. Kaufman Rechulski
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Käldström, M.; ; Kaufman Rechulski, M. D.; Utilization of Mechanocatalytic Oligosaccharides by Ethanologenic Escherichia Coli as a Model Microbial Cell Factory. AMB Express 2020, 10, 28.
; 2017
Journal Article
Calvaruso, G.; Clough, M. T.; Kaufman-Rechulski, M. D.; On the Meaning and Origins of Lignin Recalcitrance: A Critical Analysis of the Catalytic Upgrading of Lignins Obtained from Mechanocatalytic Biorefining and Organosolv Pulping. ChemCatChem 2017, 9, 2691–2700.
Journal Article
Kaufman-Rechulski, M. D.; Käldström, M.; Richter, U.-B.; Schüth, F.; Rinaldi, R. Mechanocatalytic Depolymerization of Lignocellulose Performed on Hectogram and Kilogram Scales. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 2015, 54, 4581–4592.
Journal Article
Schüth, F.; Rinaldi, R.; Meine, N.; Käldström, M.; Hilgert, J.; Kaufman-Rechulski, M. D. Mechanocatalytic Depolymerization of Cellulose and Raw Biomass and Downstream Processing of the Products. Special Issue of the 2nd International Congress on Catalysis for Biorefineries (CatBior 2013) 2014, No. 234, 24–30.