Publications of Wolfgang Kersten
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Britschgi, J.; Kersten, W.; ; Schüth, F. Electrochemically Initiated Synthesis of Methanesulfonic Acid. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2022, 61, e202209591.
Journal Article
Petersen, H.; Reichle, S.; Leiting, S.; Losch, P.; Kersten, W.; Rathmann, T.; ; ; Schmidt, W.; Weidenthaler, C. In Situ Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Mechanochemical Synthesis of ZnS from its Elements. Chemistry – A European Journal 2021, 27, 12558–12565.
Journal Article
Moury, R.; Hauschild, K.; Kersten, W.; Ternieden, J.; Felderhoff, M.; Weidenthaler, C. An in Situ Powder Diffraction Cell for High-Pressure Hydrogenation Experiments Using Laboratory X-Ray Diffractometers. Journal of Applied Crystallography 2015, 48, 79–84.
Journal Article
Urbanczyk, R.; Peinecke, K.; Felderhoff, M.; Hauschild, K.; Kersten, W.; ; Aluminium Alloy Based Hydrogen Storage Tank Operated with Sodium Aluminium Hexahydride Na3AlH6. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2014, 39, 17118–17128.