Publications of Vera Krewald
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
Krewald, V.; Pantazis, D. A. Understanding and Tuning the Properties of Redox-Accumulating Manganese Helicates. Dalton Transactions 2016, 45, 18900–18908.
Journal Article
Krewald, V.; Neese, F.; Pantazis, D. A. Redox Potential Tuning by Redox-Inactive Cations in Nature's Water Oxidizing Catalyst and Synthetic Analogues. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18, 10739–10750.
Journal Article
Krewald, V.; Retegan, M.; Neese, F.; Lubitz, W.; Pantazis, D. A.; Cox, N. Spin State as a Marker for the Structural Evolution of Nature’s Water-Splitting Catalyst. Inorganic Chemistry 2016, 55, 488–501.
Journal Article
Retegan, M.; Krewald, V.; ; Neese, F.; Lubitz, W.; Cox, N.; Pantazis, D. A. A Five-Coordinate Mn(IV) Intermediate in Biological Water Oxidation: Spectroscopic Signature and a Pivot Mechanism for Water Binding. Chemical Science 2016, 7, 72–84.
Journal Article
Krewald, V.; Neese, F.; Pantazis, D. A. Resolving the Manganese Oxidation States in the Oxygen‐Evolving Catalyst of Natural Photosynthesis. Israel Journal of Chemistry 2015, 55, 1219–1232.
Journal Article
Beckwith, M. A.; Ames, W.; ; Krewald, V.; Pantazis, D. A.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; DeBeer, S. How Accurately Can Extended X-Ray Absorption Spectra Be Predicted from First Principles? Implications for Modeling the Oxygen-Evolving Complex in Photosystem II. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2015, 137, 12815–12834.
Journal Article
Krewald, V.; Retegan, M.; Cox, N.; ; Lubitz, W.; DeBeer, S.; Neese, F.; Pantazis, D. A. Metal Oxidation States in Biological Water Splitting. Chemical Science 2015, 6, 1676–1695.
Journal Article
Lohmiller, T.; Krewald, V.; Pérez Navarro, M.; Retegan, M.; Rapatskiy, L.; ; ; Neese, F.; Lubitz, W.; Pantazis, D. A.; Cox, N. Structure, Ligands and Substrate Coordination of the Oxygen-Evolving Complex of Photosystem II in the S2 State: a Combined EPR and DFT Study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16, 11877–11892.
Journal Article
Krewald, V.; ; ; Pollock, C. J.; ; Beckwith, M. A.; ; ; ; Neese, F.; DeBeer, S. The Protonation States of Oxo-Bridged MnIV Dimers Resolved by Experimental and Computational Mn K Pre-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52, 12904–12914.
Journal Article
Krewald, V.; ; Beckwith, M. A.; Delgado-Jaime, M. U.; ; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; ; ; DeBeer, S.; ; Experimental and Computational X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy as a Direct Probe of Protonation States in Oxo-Bridged MnIV Dimers Relevant to Redox-Active Metalloproteins. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52, 12915–12922.
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Journal Article
Krewald, V.; Neese, F.; Pantazis, D. A. On the Magnetic and Spectroscopic Properties of High-Valent Mn3CaO4 Cubanes as Structural Units of Natural and Artificial Water-Oxidizing Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 5726–5739.
Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Krewald, V.; Retegan, M.; Pantazis, D. A. Principles of Natural Photosynthesis; Tüysüz, H., , Eds.; Tüysüz, H., , Series Eds.; Topics in Current Chemistry 371-Solar Energy for Fuels; Springer: Cham, 2016; Vol. 371, pp 23–48.