Publications of Cédrickx Godbout
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Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Benson, S.; Collin, M.-P.; O'Neil, G. W.; Ceccon, J.; Fasching, B.; Fenster, M. D. B.; Godbout, C.; Radkowski, K.; Goddard, R.; Fürstner, A. Total Synthesis of Spirastrellolide F Methyl Ester—Part 2: Macrocyclization and Completion of the Synthesis. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2009, 48, 9946–9950.
Journal Article
Fürstner, A.; Fasching, B.; O'Neil, G. W.; Fenster, M. D. B.; Godbout, C.; Ceccon, J. Toward the Total Synthesis of Spirastrellolide A. Part 3: Intelligence Gathering and Preparation of a Ring-Expanded Analogue. Chemical Communications 2007, No. 29, 3045–3047.
Journal Article
Fürstner, A.; Fenster, M. D. B.; Fasching, B.; Godbout, C.; Radkowski, K. Toward the Total Synthesis of Spirastrellolide A. Part 1: Strategic Considerations and Preparation of the Southern Domain. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006, 45, 5506–5510.
Journal Article
Fürstner, A.; Fenster, M. D. B.; Fasching, B.; Godbout, C.; Radkowski, K. Toward the Total Synthesis of Spirastrellolide A. Part 2: Conquest of the Northern Hemisphere. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2006, 45, 5510–5515.