Publications of Gopinadhanpillai Gopakumar
All genres
Journal Article (10)
Journal Article
Gopakumar, G.; Jahn–Teller Distortion in Polyoligomeric Silsesquioxane (POSS) Cations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2015, 119, 4237–4243.
; ; 2014
Journal Article
Gu, L.; Gopakumar, G.; Gualco, P.; Thiel, W.; Alcarazo, M. Bis- and Tris(Pyrazolyl)Borate/Methane-Stabilized PIII-Centered Cations. Chemistry - A European Journal 2014, 20, 8575–8578.
Journal Article
Carreras, J.; Gopakumar, G.; Gu, L.; Gimeno, A.; Linowski, P.; Petuškova, J.; Thiel, W.; Alcarazo, M. Polycationic Ligands in Gold Catalysis: Synthesis and Applications of Extremely π-Acidic Catalysts. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 18815–18823.
Journal Article
Audisio, D.; Gopakumar, G.; Xie, L.-G.; ; Wirtz, C.; ; Thiel, W.; Farès, C.; Maulide, N. Palladium-Catalyzed Allylic Substitution at Four-Membered-Ring Systems: Formation of η1-Allyl Complexes and Electrocyclic Ring Opening. Angewandte Chemie International Edition: a journal of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker 2013, 52, 6313–6316.
Journal Article
Khan, S.; Gopakumar, G.; Thiel, W.; Alcarazo, M. Stabilisierung Zweifach Koordinierter [GeCl]+-Kationen durch σ- und π-Donorfähigkeit eines Einzähnigen Carbodiphosphorans. Angewandte Chemie: eine Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker 2013, 125, 5755–5758.
Journal Article
Khan, S.; Gopakumar, G.; Thiel, W.; Alcarazo, M. Stabilization of a Two-Coordinate [GeCl]+ Cation by Simultaneous σ and π Donation from a Monodentate Carbodiphosphorane. Angewandte Chemie International Edition: a journal of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker 2013, 52, 5644–5647.
Journal Article
Lifchits, O.; Mahlau, M.; Reisinger, C. M.; Lee, A.; Farès, C.; Polyak, I.; Gopakumar, G.; Thiel, W.; List, B. The Cinchona Primary Amine-Catalyzed Asymmetric Epoxidation and Hydroperoxidation of α,β-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds with Hydrogen Peroxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 6677–6693.
Journal Article
Kozma, Á.; Gopakumar, G.; Farès, C.; Thiel, W.; Alcarazo, M. Synthesis and Structure of Carbene-Stabilized N-Centered Cations [L2N]+, [L2NR]2+, [LNR3]2+, and [L3N]3+. Chemistry – A European Journal 2013, 19, 3542–3546.
Journal Article
Gopakumar, G.; Jahn–Teller Instability in Cationic Boron and Carbon Buckyballs B80+ and C60+: a Comparative Study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013, 15, 2829–2835.
; ; ; ; 2012
Journal Article
Teller, H.; Corbet, M.; Mantilli, L.; Gopakumar, G.; Goddard, R.; Thiel, W.; Fürstner, A. One-Point Binding Ligands for Asymmetric Gold Catalysis: Phosphoramidites with a TADDOL-Related but Acyclic Backbone. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134, 15331–15342.
Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Gopakumar, G.; ; ; Investigations of the Boron Buckyball B80: Bonding Analysis and Chemical Reactivity; , , , Eds.; , , , Series Eds.; Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physcis; Springer Science+Business Media B. V.: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2012; Vol. 23, pp 265–278.