Publications of H. Althues

Journal Article (3)

Journal Article
Althues, H.; Palkovits, R.; Rumplecker, A.; Simon, P.; Sigle, W.; Bredol, M.; Kynast, U.; Kaskel, S. Synthesis and Characterization of Transparent Luminescent ZnS:Mn/PMMA Nanocomposites. Chemistry of Materials 2006, 18, 1068–1072.
Journal Article
Palkovits, R.; Althues, H.; Rumplecker, A.; Tesche, B.; Dreier, A.; Holle, U.; Fink, G.; Cheng, C. H.; Shantz, D. F.; Kaskel, S. Polymerization of w/o Microemulsions for the Preparation of Transparent SiO₂/PMMA Nanocomposites. Langmuir 2005, 21, 6048–6053.
Journal Article
Althues, H.; Kaskel, S. Sulfated Zirconia Nanoparticles Synthesized in Reverse Microemulsions: Preparation and Catalytic Properties. Langmuir 2002, 18, 7428–7435.