Publikationen von Fabio P. Caló

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Peeters, M.; Baldinelli, L.; Leutzsch, M.; Caló, F. P.; Auer, A. A.; Bistoni, G.; Fürstner, A. In Situ Observation of Elusive Dirhodium Carbenes and Studies on the Innate Role of Carboxamidate Ligands in Dirhodium Paddlewheel Complexes: A Combined Experimental and Computational Approach. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2024, 146, 26466–26477.
Gui, X.; Sorbelli, D.; Caló, F. P.; Leutzsch, M.; Patzer, M.; Fürstner, A.; Bistoni, G.; Auer, A. A. Elucidating the Electronic Nature of Rh-based Paddlewheel Catalysts from 103Rh NMR Chemical Shifts: Insights from Quantum Mechanical Calculations. Chemistry – A European Journal 2024, 30, e202301846.
Caló, F. P.; Zimmer, A.; Bistoni, G.; Fürstner, A. From Serendipity to Rational Design: Heteroleptic Dirhodium Amidate Complexes for Diastereodivergent Asymmetric Cyclopropanation. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 7465–7478.
Caló, F. P.; Bistoni, G.; Auer, A. A.; Leutzsch, M.; Fürstner, A. Triple Resonance Experiments for the Rapid Detection of 103Rh NMR Shifts: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study into Dirhodium and Bismuth–Rhodium Paddlewheel Complexes. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2021, 143, 12473–12479.
Löffler, L. E.; Buchsteiner, M.; Collins, L. R.; Caló, F. P.; Singha, S.; Fürstner, A. [Rh2(MEPY)4] and [BiRh(MEPY)4]: Convenient Syntheses and Computational Analysis of Strikingly Dissimilar Siblings. Helvetica Chimica Acta 2021, 104, e2100042.
Caló, F. P.; Fürstner, A. A Heteroleptic Dirhodium Catalyst for Asymmetric Cyclopropanation with α‐Stannyl α‐Diazoacetate. "Stereoretentive" Stille Coupling with Formation of Chiral Quarternary Carbon Centers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 13900–13907.

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Caló, F. P. Heteroleptische Dirhodium(II)-Komplexe und ihre Rolle als Katalysatoren in der asymmetrischen Cyclopropanierung mit α-metallierten Diazoverbindungen. Doktorarbeit, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, 2022.

Hochschulschrift - Master (1)

Hochschulschrift - Master
Caló, F. P. Dirhodium Carbenes - The Structure and Stability of Chiral Dirhodium Carbenes & α-Silyl Diazo Compounds as Sequential Cylopropanation/Cross-Coupling Reagents. Masterarbeit, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, 2018.
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