Publikationen von Frank Neese
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Zeitschriftenartikel (626)
Pollock, C. J.; Delgado-Jaime, M. U.; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F.; DeBeer, S. Kβ Mainline X-ray Emission Spectroscopy as an Experimental Probe of Metal–Ligand Covalency. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 9453–9463.
Lohmiller, T.; Krewald, V.; Pérez Navarro, M.; Retegan, M.; Rapatskiy, L.; ; ; Neese, F.; Lubitz, W.; Pantazis, D. A.; Cox, N. Structure, ligands and substrate coordination of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II in the S2 state: a combined EPR and DFT study. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16, 11877–11892.
Retegan, M.; Cox, N.; Lubitz, W.; Neese, F.; Pantazis, D. A. The first tyrosyl radical intermediate formed in the S2–S3 transition of photosystem II. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16, 11901–11910.
Sparta, M.; ; Neese, F. Mechanism of Olefin Asymmetric Hydrogenation Catalyzed by Iridium Phosphino-Oxazoline: A Pair Natural Orbital Coupled Cluster Study. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2014, 10, 1099–1108.
Neese, F. Communication: Multireference equation of motion coupled cluster: A transform and diagonalize approach to electronic structure. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2014, 140, 081102.
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Kochem, A.; Neese, F.; van Gastel, M. Spectroscopic and Quantum Chemical Study of the Ni(PPh2NC6H4CH2P(O)(OEt)22)2 Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Production with Emphasis on the NiI Oxidation State. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2014, 118, 2350–2360.
Riplinger, C.; Bill, E.; ; ; ; Neese, F. New Insights into the Nature of Observable Reaction Intermediates in Cytochrome P450 NO Reductase by Using a Combination of Spectroscopy and Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics Calculations. Chemistry – A European Journal 2014, 20, 1602–1614.
Liakos, D. G.; ; Neese, F.; ; Excitation Wavelength Dependent O2 Release from Copper(II)–Superoxide Compounds: Laser Flash-Photolysis Experiments and Theoretical Studies. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 1260–1263.
Klein, E. L.; ; ; ; Krämer, T.; ; Neese, F.; ; Pulsed Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of 33S-Labeled Molybdenum Cofactor in Catalytically Active Bioengineered Sulfite Oxidase. Inorganic Chemistry 2014, 53, 961–971.
Maganas, D.; Roemelt, M.; Weyhermüller, T.; ; ; ; DeBeer, S.; Schlögl, R.; Neese, F. L-edge X-ray absorption study of mononuclear vanadium complexes and spectral predictions using a restricted open shell configuration interaction ansatz. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16, 264–276.
Lima, F. A.; Bjornsson, R.; Weyhermüller, T.; ; ; Neese, F.; DeBeer, S. High-resolution molybdenum K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy analyzed with time-dependent density functional theory. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2013, 15, 20911–20920.
Kochem, A.; ; ; ; ; Weyhermüller, T.; Neese, F.; van Gastel, M. Structural and Spectroscopic Investigation of an Anilinosalen Cobalt Complex with Relevance to Hydrogen Production. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52, 14428–14438.
Krewald, V.; ; ; Pollock, C. J.; ; Beckwith, M. A.; ; ; ; Neese, F.; DeBeer, S. The Protonation States of Oxo-Bridged MnIV Dimers Resolved by Experimental and Computational Mn K Pre-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52, 12904–12914.
Krewald, V.; ; Beckwith, M. A.; Delgado-Jaime, M. U.; ; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; ; ; DeBeer, S.; ; Experimental and Computational X-ray Emission Spectroscopy as a Direct Probe of Protonation States in Oxo-Bridged MnIV Dimers Relevant to Redox-Active Metalloproteins. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52, 12915–12922.
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Atanasov, M.; Neese, F.; ; Mössbauer Spectroscopy as a Probe of Magnetization Dynamics in the Linear Iron(I) and Iron(II) Complexes [Fe(C(SiMe3)3)2]1–/0. Inorganic Chemistry 2013, 52, 13123–13131.
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Riplinger, C.; Sandhoefer, B.; Hansen, A.; Neese, F. Natural triple excitations in local coupled cluster calculations with pair natural orbitals. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2013, 139, 134101.
Pérez Navarro, M.; Ames, W. M.; ; Lohmiller, T.; Pantazis, D. A.; Rapatskiy, L.; ; Neese, F.; ; ; Lubitz, W.; Cox, N. Ammonia binding to the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II identifies the solvent-exchangeable oxygen bridge (μ-oxo) of the manganese tetramer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2013, 110, 15561–15566.
Krämer, T.; Kampa, M.; Lubitz, W.; van Gastel, M.; Neese, F. Theoretical Spectroscopy of the NiII Intermediate States in the Catalytic Cycle and the Activation of [NiFe] Hydrogenases. ChemBioChem: A European Journal of Chemical Biology 2013, 14, 1898–1905.