Publikationen von Helmut Bönnemann

Zeitschriftenartikel (62)

Marzun, G.; Bönnemann, H.; Lehmann, C.; Spliethoff, B.; Weidenthaler, C.; Barcikowski, S. Role of Dissolved and Molecular Oxygen on Cu and PtCu Alloy Particle Structure during Laser Ablation Synthesis in Liquids. ChemPhysChem 2017, 18, 1175–1184.
Kühn, T. J.; Caliebe, W.; Matoussevitch, N.; Bönnemann, H.; Hormes, J. Site-selective X-ray absorption spectroscopy of cobalt nanoparticles. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2011, 25, 577–584.
Bönnemann, H.; Khelashvili, G. Efficient fuel cell catalysts emerging from organometallic chemistry. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2010, 24, 257–268.
Gorschinski, A.; Khelashvili, G.; Schild, D.; Habicht, W.; Brand, R.; Ghafari, M.; Bönnemann, H.; Dinjus, E.; Behrens, S. A simple aminoalkyl siloxane-mediated route to functional magnetic metal nanoparticles and magnetic nanocomposites. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2009, 19, 8829–8838.
Loponov, K. N.; Kriventsov, V. V.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Bönnemann, H.; Kochubey, D. I.; Savinova, E. R. Combined in situ EXAFS and electrochemical investigation of the oxygen reduction reaction on unmodified and Se-modified Ru/C. Catalysis Today 2009, 147, 260–269.
Schulenburg, H.; Müller, E.; Khelashvili, G.; Roser, T.; Bönnemann, H.; Wokaun, A.; Scherer, G. G. Heat-Treated PtCo₃ Nanoparticles as Oxygen Reduction Catalysts. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2009, 113, 4069–4077.
Kinge, S.; Urgeghe, C.; De Battisti, A.; Bönnemann, H. Dependence of CO oxidation on Pt nanoparticle shape: a shape-selective approach to the synthesis of PEMFC catalysts. Applied Organometallic Chemistry 2008, 22, 49–54.
Bogolowski, N.; Nagel, T.; Lanova, B.; Ernst, S.; Baltruschat, H.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Bönnemann, H. Activity of selenium modified ruthenium-electrodes and determination of the real surface area. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1485–1494.
Bönnemann, H.; Khelashvili, G.; Behrens, S.; Hinsch, A.; Skupien, K.; Dinjus, E. Role of the platinum nanoclusters in the iodide/triiodide redox system of dye solar cells. Journal of Cluster Science 2007, 18, 141–155.
Colmenares, L.; Guerrini, E.; Jusys, Z.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Dinjus, E.; Behrens, S.; Habicht, W.; Bönnemann, H.; Behm, R. J. Activity, selectivity, and methanol tolerance of novel carbon-supported Pt and Pt₃Me (Me = Ni, Co) cathode catalysts. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1413–1427.
Khelashvili, G.; Behrens, S.; Hinsch, A.; Habicht, W.; Schild, D.; Eichhofer, A.; Sastrawan, R.; Skupien, K.; Dinjus, E.; Bönnemann, H. Preparation and characterization of low platinum loaded Pt: SnO₂ electrocatalytic films for screen printed dye solar cell counter electrode. Thin Solid Films 2007, 515, 4074–4079.
Kulesza, P. J.; Miecznikowski, K.; Baranowska, B.; Skunik, M.; Kolary-Zurowska, A.; Lewera, A.; Karnicka, K.; Chojak, M.; Rutkowska, I.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P.; Dorbandt, I.; Zehl, G.; Hiesgen, R.; Dirk, E.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Bönnemann, H. Electroreduction of oxygen at tungsten oxide miodified carbon-supported RuSex nanoparticles. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1439–1446.
Matoussevitch, N.; Gorschinski, A.; Habicht, W.; Bolle, J.; Dinjus, E.; Bönnemann, H.; Behrens, S. Surface modification of metallic Co nanoparticles. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2007, 311, 92–96.
Nagabhushana, K. S.; Dinjus, E.; Bönnemann, H.; Zaikovskii, V.; Hartnig, C.; Zehl, G.; Dorbandt, I.; Fiechter, S.; Bogdanoff, P. Reductive annealing for generating Se doped 20 wt% Ru/C cathode catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2007, 37, 1515–1522.
Vidaković, T.; Christov, M.; Sundmacher, K.; Nagabhushana, K. S.; Fei, W.; Kinge, S.; Bönnemann, H. PtRu colloidal catalysts: Characterisation and determination of kinetics for methanol oxidation. Electrochimica Acta 2007, 52, 2277–2284.
Zeisberger, M.; Dutz, S.; Müller, R.; Hergt, R.; Matoussevitch, N.; Bönnemann, H. Metallic cobalt nanoparticles for heating applictions. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2007, 311, 224–227.
Khelashvili, G.; Behrens, S.; Weidenthaler, C.; Vetter, C.; Hinsch, A.; Kern, R.; Skupien, K.; Dinjus, E.; Bönnemann, H. Catalytic platinum layers for dye solar cells: A comparative study. Thin Solid Films 2006, 511-512, 342–348.
Behrens, S.; Bönnemann, H.; Matoussevitch, N.; Dinjus, E.; Modrow, H.; Palina, N.; Frerichs, M.; Kempter, V.; Maus-Friedrichs, W.; Heinemann, A.; Kammel, M.; Wiedenmann, A.; Pop, L.; Odenbach, S.; Uhlmann, E.; Bayat, N.; Hesselbach, J.; Guldbakke, J. M. Air-stable Co-, Fe-, and Fe/Co-nanoparticles and ferrofluids. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie-International Journal of Research in Physical Chemistry & Chemical Physics 2006, 220, 3–40.
Behrens, S.; Bönnemann, H.; Matoussevitch, N.; Gorschinski, A.; Dinjus, E.; Habicht, W.; Bolle, J.; Zinoveva, S.; Palina, N.; Modrow, H.; Bahr, S.; Kempter, V. Surface engineering of Co and FeCo nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2006, 18, S2543–S2561.
Colmenares, L.; Jusys, Z.; Kinge, S.; Bönnemann, H.; Behm, R. J. Synthesis, characterization and electrocatalytic performance of W surface modified, carbon supported Pt anode catalysts for low-temperature fuel cell applications. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 2006, 9, 107–120.