Publikationen von F. Marlow

Buchkapitel (10)

Hoffmann, K.; Resch-Genger, U.; Marlow, F. Photosensitive Optical Properties of Zeolitic Nanocomposites. In Host-Guest Systems Based on Nanoporous Crystls; Laeri, F., Schüth, F., Simon, U., Wark, M., Hrsg.; Laeri, F., Schüth, F., Simon, U., Wark, M., Hrsg.; Wiley-VCU: Weinheim, 2003; S 501–520.
Loerke, J.; Marlow, F. Laser Materials based on Mesostructured Systems. In Host-Guest Systems Based on Nanoporous Crystals; Laeri, F., Schüth, F., Simon, U., Wark, M., Hrsg.; Laeri, F., Schüth, F., Simon, U., Wark, M., Hrsg.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2003; S 618–632.
Weiß, Ö.; Schüth, F.; Loerke, J.; Marlow, F.; Benmohammadi, L.; Laeri, F.; Seebacher, C.; Hellriegel, C.; Deeg, F.-W.; Bräuchle, C. New Microlasers Based on Molecular Sieve/Laser Dye Composite Materials. In Host-Guest Systems Based on Nanoporous Crystals; Laeri, F., Schüth, F., Simon, U., Wark, M., Hrsg.; Laeri, F., Schüth, F., Simon, U., Wark, M., Hrsg.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2003; S 544–557.
Marlow, F.; Dong, W. T.; Hoffmann, K.; Loerke, J. Optically and Electronically Functional Materials. In Handbook of Porous Solids; Schüth, F., Sing, K. S. W., Weitkamp, J., Hrsg.; Schüth, F., Sing, K. S. W., Weitkamp, J., Hrsg.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2002; Bd. 5, S 3029–3063.
Sauer, J.; Marlow, F.; Schüth, F. Chapter 5 – Nanoporous materials for optical applications. In Handbook of Advanced Electronic and Photonic Materials and Devices; Elsevier Inc., 2001; Bd. 6.
Marlow, F. Nano-Composites: New Materials for Photonics? In Applications of Photonic Technology; Lampropoulos, G. A., Chrostowski , J., Measures, R. M., Hrsg.; Lampropoulos, G. A., Chrostowski , J., Measures, R. M., Hrsg.; Springer-Verlag US, 1995; S 453–456.

Konferenzband (1)

Muldarisnur, M.; Marlow, F. Effect of an in-plane electric field on the formation and optical properties of opal films; AIP Publishing: Melville, NY, 2023; Bd. 2694.

Konferenzbeitrag (2)

Abdellatif, S.; Josten, S.; Sharifi, P.; Kirah, K.; Ghannam, R.; Khalil, A. S. G.; Erni, D.; Marlow, F. Optical investigation of porous TiO2 in mesostructured solar cells. In Proceedings SPIE 10526, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXVI; 2018.
Marlow, F.; Muldarisnur, M. Colloidal crystal formation: nanodewetting and the assembly process. In In Proc. of SPIE 9885, Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices XII; 2016; S 98850S–1-98850S–7.
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