Publikationen von Frank Neese
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Zeitschriftenartikel (623)
Foglia, N.; ; Maganas, D.; Neese, F. Including vibrational effects in magnetic circular dichroism spectrum calculations in the framework of excited state dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 158, 154108.
Sivalingam, K.; Becker, U.; ; Neese, F. SparseMaps—A systematic infrastructure for reduced-scaling electronic structure methods. VI. Linear-scaling explicitly correlated N-electron valence state perturbation theory with pair natural orbital. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 158, 124120.
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Atanasov, M.; ; ; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; On the Single-Molecule Magnetic Behavior of Linear Iron(I) Arylsilylamides. Inorganic Chemistry 2023, 62, 3153–3161.
Neese, F.; Quantum computing in pharma: A multilayer embedding approach for near future applications. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2023, 44, 406–421.
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Neese, F. The SHARK integral generation and digestion system. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2023, 44, 381–396.
Neese, F.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022, 24, 28700–28781.
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Pang, Y.; Nöthling, N.; Leutzsch, M.; ; ; van Gastel, M.; ; Goddard, R.; Wagner, L.; SantaLucia, D.; ; Neese, F.; Cornella, J. A “non-magnetic” triplet bismuthinidene enabled by relativity. ChemRxiv: the Preprint Server for Chemistry 2022.
Neese, F.; Calculation of exchange couplings in the electronically excited state of molecular three-spin systems. Chemical Science 2022, 13, 12358–12366.
Neese, F.; ; ; Cluster-in-Molecule Method Combined with the Domain-Based Local Pair Natural Orbital Approach for Electron Correlation Calculations of Periodic Systems. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2022, 18, 6510–6521.
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Atanasov, M.; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Neese, F.; ; ; ; Comprehensive Studies of Magnetic Transitions and Spin–Phonon Couplings in the Tetrahedral Cobalt Complex Co(AsPh3)2I2. Inorganic Chemistry 2022, 61, 17123–17136.
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Neese, F. Software update: The ORCA program system—Version 5.0. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 2022, 12, e1606.
Atanasov, M.; Spiller, N.; Neese, F. Magnetic exchange and valence delocalization in a mixed valence [Fe2+Fe3+Te2]+ complex: insights from theory and interpretations of magnetic and spectroscopic data. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022, 24, 20760–20775.
Tarrago, M.; Ye, S.; Neese, F. Electronic structure analysis of electrochemical CO2 reduction by iron-porphyrins reveals basic requirements for design of catalysts bearing non-innocent ligands. Chemical Science 2022, 13, 10029–10047.
Foglia, N. O.; Maganas, D.; Neese, F. Going beyond the electric-dipole approximation in the calculation of absorption and (magnetic) circular dichroism spectra including scalar relativistic and spin–orbit coupling effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2022, 157, 084120.
Harden, I.; Neese, F.; Bistoni, G. An induced-fit model for asymmetric organocatalytic reactions: a case study of the activation of olefins via chiral Brønsted acid catalysts. Chemical Science 2022, 13, 8848–8859.
Neese, F.; Bistoni, G. Can domain-based local pair natural orbitals approaches accurately predict phosphorescence energies? Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2022, 24, 14228–14241.
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Shafei, R.; Maganas, D.; ; ; ; Neese, F. Electronic and Optical Properties of Eu2+-Activated Narrow-Band Phosphors for Phosphor-Converted Light-Emitting Diode Applications: Insights from a Theoretical Spectroscopy Perspective. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 8038–8053.