Publikationen von Kantharuban Sivalingam
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Zeitschriftenartikel (18)
Rao, S. V.; Manganas, D.; Sivalingam, K.; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F. Extended Active Space Ab Initio Ligand Field Theory: Applications to Transition-Metal Ions. Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63, 24672–24684.
Lechner, M. H.; Papadopoulos, A.; Sivalingam, K.; Auer, A. A.; Koslowski, A.; Becker, U.; Wennmohs, F.; Neese, F. Code generation in ORCA: progress, efficiency and tight integration. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2024, 26, 15205–15220.
Sivalingam, K.; Becker, U.; ; Neese, F. SparseMaps—A systematic infrastructure for reduced-scaling electronic structure methods. VI. Linear-scaling explicitly correlated N-electron valence state perturbation theory with pair natural orbital. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 158, 124120.
; ; 2021
Kollmar, C.; Sivalingam, K.; ; Neese, F. An efficient implementation of the NEVPT2 and CASPT2 methods avoiding higher-order density matrices. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 155, 234104.
Guo, Y.; Sivalingam, K.; Kollmar, C.; Neese, F. Approximations of density matrices in N-electron valence state second-order perturbation theory (NEVPT2). II. The full rank NEVPT2 (FR-NEVPT2) formulation. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 154, 214113.
Guo, Y.; Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F. Approximations of density matrices in N-electron valence state second-order perturbation theory (NEVPT2). I. Revisiting the NEVPT2 construction. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 154, 214111.
Kollmar, C.; Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F. An alternative choice of the zeroth-order Hamiltonian in CASPT2 theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2020, 152, 214110.
Lang, L.; Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F. The combination of multipartitioning of the Hamiltonian with canonical Van Vleck perturbation theory leads to a Hermitian variant of quasidegenerate N-electron valence perturbation theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2020, 152, 014109.
Kollmar, C.; Sivalingam, K.; Helmich-Paris, B.; ; Neese, F. A perturbation-based super-CI approach for the orbital optimization of a CASSCF wave function. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2019, 40, 1463–1470.
Guo, Y.; Sivalingam, K.; ; Neese, F. Explicitly correlated N-electron valence state perturbation theory (NEVPT2-F12). The Journal of Chemical Physics 2017, 147, 064110.
Sivalingam, K.; Huntington, L.; Auer, A. A.; Neese, F. A toolchain for the automatic generation of computer codes for correlated wavefunction calculations. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2017, 38, 1853–1868.
; 2016
Sivalingam, K.; Krupicka, M.; Auer, A. A.; Neese, F. Comparison of fully internally and strongly contracted multireference configuration interaction procedures. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2016, 145, 054104.
Guo, Y.; Sivalingam, K.; ; Neese, F. SparseMaps—A systematic infrastructure for reduced-scaling electronic structure methods. III. Linear-scaling multireference domain-based pair natural orbital N-electron valence perturbation theory. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2016, 144, 094111.
Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F.; Low-energy spectrum of iron–sulfur clusters directly from many-particle quantum mechanics. Nature Chemistry 2014, 6, 927–933.
; 2013
Schapiro, I.; Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F. Assessment of n-Electron Valence State Perturbation Theory for Vertical Excitation Energies. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2013, 9, 3567–3580.
Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F.; Metal-to-metal charge-transfer transitions: reliable excitation energies from ab initio calculations. Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 2012, 131, 1264.
; ; ; 2011
Atanasov, M.; ; Pantazis, D. A.; Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F. Detailed Ab Initio First-Principles Study of the Magnetic Anisotropy in a Family of Trigonal Pyramidal Iron(II) Pyrrolide Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 50, 7460–7477.
Sivalingam, K.; ; Neese, F. Systematic Theoretical Study of the Zero-Field Splitting in Coordination Complexes of Mn(III). Density Functional Theory versus Multireference Wave Function Approaches. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2010, 114, 10750–10758.
; ; Buchkapitel (1)
Atanasov, M.; Ganyushin, D.; Sivalingam, K.; Neese, F. A Modern First-Principles View on Ligand Field Theory Through the Eyes of Correlated Multireference Wavefunctions; , , Hrsg.; , , Hrsg.; Structure and Bonding: Molecular Electronic Structures of Transition Metal Complexes II; Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012; Bd. 143, S 149–220.