Publikationen von Norbert Pfänder
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Zeitschriftenartikel (8)
Jeske, K.; ; ; Pfänder, N.; ; ; Prieto, G. Design of Cobalt Fischer–Tropsch Catalysts for the Combined Production of Liquid Fuels and Olefin Chemicals from Hydrogen-Rich Syngas. ACS Catalysis 2021, 11, 4784–4798.
Sarma, B. B.; ; ; ; Pfänder, N.; Prieto, G. Bottom-up assembly of bimetallic nanocluster catalysts from oxide-supported single-atom precursors. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2021, 9, 8401–8415.
Sarma, B. B.; ; ; ; Pfänder, N.; ; ; ; Prieto, G. Metal-Specific Reactivity in Single-Atom Catalysts: CO Oxidation on 4d and 5d Transition Metals Atomically Dispersed on MgO. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142, 14890–14902.
Kim, J.; Pfänder, N.; Prieto, G. Recycling of CO2 by Hydrogenation of Carbonate Derivatives to Methanol: Tuning Copper–Oxide Promotion Effects in Supported Catalysts. ChemSusChem 2020, 13, 2043–2052.
Sarma, B. B.; Kim, J.; ; ; Weidenthaler, C.; Pfänder, N.; ; ; ; ; Prieto, G. One-Pot Cooperation of Single-Atom Rh and Ru Solid Catalysts for a Selective Tandem Olefin Isomerization-Hydrosilylation Process. Angewandte Chemie, International Edition 2020, 59, 5806–5815.
Kim, J.; Sarma, B. B.; Andrés, E.; Pfänder, N.; ; Prieto, G. Surface Lewis Acidity of Periphery Oxide Species as a General Kinetic Descriptor for CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol on Supported Copper Nanoparticles. ACS Catalysis 2019, 9, 10409–10417.
Kim, J.; Nese, V.; ; Jeske, K.; Duyckaerts, N.; Pfänder, N.; Prieto, G. Directional freeze-cast hybrid-backbone meso-macroporous bodies as micromonolith catalysts for gas-to-liquid processes. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018, 2018, 21978–21989.
Wang, G.; Cao, Z.; Gu, D.; Pfänder, N.; Swertz, A.-C.; Spliethoff, B.; Bongard, H.-J.; Weidenthaler, C.; Schmidt, W.; Rinaldi, R.; Schüth, F. Nitrogen-Doped Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Supported Bimetallic PtCo Nanoparticles for Upgrading of Biophenolics. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2016, 55, 8850–8855.