Publikationen von Alexander Gunnarson

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Gunnarson, A.; Quast, T.; Dieckhöfer, S.; Pfänder, N.; Schüth, F.; Schuhmann, W.: Stability Investigations on a Pt@HGS Catalyst as a Model Material for Fuel Cell Applications: The Role of the Local pH. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (50), e202311780 (2023)
Gunnarson, A.; Bongard, H.-J.; Schüth, F.: Insights into the Ionomer Distribution through Elemental Mapping of Model Catalysts Mixed with Nafion. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 170 (11), 114506 (2023)
Gunnarson, A.; de Bellis, J.; Imhof, T.; Pfänder, N.; Ledendecker, M.; Schüth, F.: Facile Solid-State Synthesis of Supported PtNi and PtCo Bimetallic Nanoparticles for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Chemistry of Materials 35 (5), S. 2006 - 2015 (2023)
Koh, E. S.; Geiger, S.; Gunnarson, A.; Imhof, T.; Meyer, G. M.; Paciok, P.; Etzold, B. J. M.; Rose, M.; Schüth, F.; Ledendecker, M.: Influence of Support Material on the Structural Evolution of Copper during Electrochemical CO2 Reduction. ChemElectroChem 10 (5), e202200924 (2023)
Joshi, H.; Hopf, A.; Losch, P.; Schmidt, W.; Schüth, F.: Transient uptake measurements with a physisorption instrument: Trends in gas-phase diffusivities within mesoporous materials. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 330 (1), 111627 (2022)
Knossalla, J.; Mielby, J.; Göhl, D.; Wang, F. R.; Jalalpoor, D.; Hopf, A.; Mayrhofer, K. J. J.; Ledendecker, M.; Schüth, F.: Chemical Vapor Deposition of Hollow Graphitic Spheres for Improved Electrochemical Durability. ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (6), S. 5840 - 5847 (2021)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Gunnarson, A.: Synthesis and Evaluation of Nanostructured Electrocatalysts for Proton Exchange Mambrane Fuel Cells. Dissertation, 188 S., Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum (2023)
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