Publikationen von Róbert Izsák
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Zeitschriftenartikel (39)
Helmich-Paris, B.; de Souza, B.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. An improved chain of spheres for exchange algorithm. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 155, 104109.
Lechner, M. H.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. An excited state coupled-cluster study on indigo dyes. Molecular Physics 2021, e1965235.
Lechner, M. H.; Izsák, R.; ; Neese, F. A perturbative approach to multireference equation-of-motion coupled cluster. Molecular Physics 2021, 119, e1939185.
Ghosh, S.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R.; Bistoni, G. Fragment-Based Local Coupled Cluster Embedding Approach for the Quantification and Analysis of Noncovalent Interactions: Exploring the Many-Body Expansion of the Local Coupled Cluster Energy. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2021, 17, 3348–3359.
Berraud-Pache, R.; ; de Souza, B.; Bistoni, G.; Neese, F.; ; Izsák, R. Redesigning donor–acceptor Stenhouse adduct photoswitches through a joint experimental and computational study. Chemical Science 2021, 12, 2916–2924.
Altun, A.; Izsák, R.; Bistoni, G. Local energy decomposition of coupled‐cluster interaction energies: Interpretation, benchmarks, and comparison with symmetry‐adapted perturbation theory. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2021, 121, e26339.
Izsák, R. A local similarity transformed equation of motion approach for calculating excited states. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2021, 121, e26327.
Sirohiwal, A.; Berraud-Pache, R.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R.; Pantazis, D. A. Accurate Computation of the Absorption Spectrum of Chlorophyll a with Pair Natural Orbital Coupled Cluster Methods. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2020, 124, 8761–8771.
Ghosh, S.; ; ; Berraud-Pache, R.; Izsák, R. A new density for transition properties within the similarity transformed equation of motion approach. Molecular Physics 2020, 118, e1818858.
Demoulin, B.; Izsák, R.; ; A New Benchmark Set for Excitation Energy of Charge Transfer States: Systematic Investigation of Coupled Cluster Type Methods. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2020, 16, 4213–4225.
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Izsák, R. Single‐reference coupled cluster methods for computing excitation energies in large molecules: The efficiency and accuracy of approximations. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Molecular Science 2020, 10, e1445.
Berraud-Pache, R.; Neese, F.; Bistoni, G.; Izsák, R. Unveiling the Photophysical Properties of Boron-dipyrromethene Dyes Using a New Accurate Excited State Coupled Cluster Method. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2020, 16, 564–575.
Berraud-Pache, R.; Neese, F.; Bistoni, G.; Izsák, R. Computational Design of Near-Infrared Fluorescent Organic Dyes Using an Accurate New Wave Function Approach. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2019, 10, 4822–4828.
Dittmer, A.; Izsák, R.; Neese, F.; Manganas, D. Accurate Band Gap Predictions of Semiconductors in the Framework of the Similarity Transformed Equation of Motion Coupled Cluster Theory. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58, 9303–9315.
Demoulin, B. F. F.; Neese, F.; Izsák, R. A domain-based local pair natural orbital implementation of the equation of motion coupled cluster method for electron attached states. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2019, 150, 164123.
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Demoulin, B. F. F.; Neese, F.; Izsak, R.; Multilayer Approach to the IP-EOM-DLPNO-CCSD Method: Theory, Implementation, and Application. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2019, 15, 2265–2277.
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Schulz, C. E.; ; Izsák, R.; Pantazis, D. A. Systematic High-Accuracy Prediction of Electron Affinities for Biological Quinones. Journal of Computational Chemistry 2018, 39, 2439–2451.