Publikationen des MPI für Kohlenforschung

Publikationen von Dimitrios Maganas

Zeitschriftenartikel (37)

Shafei, R.; Strobel, P. J.; Schmidt, P. J.; Maganas, D.; Schnick, W.; Neese, F. A Combined Experimental and Computational Study on the Broadening Mechanism of the Luminescence in Narrow-Band Eu2+-Doped Phosphors. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2025, 129, 1495–1505.
Leyser da Costa Gouveia, T.; Maganas, D.; Neese, F. General Spin-Restricted Open-Shell Configuration Interaction Approach: Application to Metal K-Edge X-ray Absorption Spectra of Ferro- and Antiferromagnetically Coupled Dimers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2025, 129, 330–345.
Rao, S. V.; Manganas, D.; Sivalingam, K.; Atanasov, M.; Neese, F. Extended Active Space Ab Initio Ligand Field Theory: Applications to Transition-Metal Ions. Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63, 24672–24684.
Leyser da Costa Gouveia, T.; Maganas, D.; Neese, F. Restricted Open-Shell Hartree–Fock Method for a General Configuration State Function Featuring Arbitrarily Complex Spin-Couplings. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2024, 128, 5041–5053.
Van Stappen, C.; Van Kuiken, B. E.; Mörtel, M.; Ruotsalainen, K. O.; Maganas, D.; Khusniyarov, M. M.; DeBeer, S. Correlating Valence and 2p3d RIXS Spectroscopies: A Ligand-Field Study of Spin-Crossover Iron(II). Inorganic Chemistry 2024, 63, 7386–7400.
Shafei, R.; Strobel, P. J.; Schmidt, P. J.; Maganas, D.; Schnick, W.; Neese, F. A theoretical spectroscopy study of the photoluminescence properties of narrow band Eu2+-doped phosphors containing multiple candidate doping centers. Prediction of an unprecedented narrow band red phosphor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2024, 26, 6277–6291.
Shafei, R.; Hamano, A.; Gourlaouen, C.; Maganas, D.; Takano, K.; Daniel, C.; Neese, F. Theoretical spectroscopy for unraveling the intensity mechanism of the optical and photoluminescent spectra of chiral Re(I) transition metal complexes. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 159, 084102.
Foglia, N.; De Souza, B.; Maganas, D.; Neese, F. Including vibrational effects in magnetic circular dichroism spectrum calculations in the framework of excited state dynamics. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 158, 154108.
Foglia, N. O.; Maganas, D.; Neese, F. Going beyond the electric-dipole approximation in the calculation of absorption and (magnetic) circular dichroism spectra including scalar relativistic and spin–orbit coupling effects. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2022, 157, 084120.
Shafei, R.; Maganas, D.; Strobel, P. J.; Schmidt, P. J.; Schnick, W.; Neese, F. Electronic and Optical Properties of Eu2+-Activated Narrow-Band Phosphors for Phosphor-Converted Light-Emitting Diode Applications: Insights from a Theoretical Spectroscopy Perspective. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 144, 8038–8053.
Dittmer, A.; Stoychev, G. L.; Maganas, D.; Auer, A. A.; Neese, F. Computation of NMR Shielding Constants for Solids Using an Embedded Cluster Approach with DFT, Double-Hybrid DFT, and MP2. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2020, 16, 6950–6967.
Sanakis, Y.; Krzystek, J.; Maganas, D.; Grigoropoulos, A.; Ferentinos, E.; Kostakis, M. G.; Petroulea, V.; Pissas, M.; Thirunavukkuarasu, K.; Wernsdorfer, W.; Neese, F.; Kyritsis, P. Magnetic Properties and Electronic Structure of the S = 2 Complex [MnIII{(OPPh2)2N}3] Showing Field-Induced Slow Magnetization Relaxation. Inorganic Chemistry 2020, 59, 13281–13294.
Castillo, R. G.; Henthorn, J. T.; McGale, J.; Maganas, D.; DeBeer, S. Kβ X‐Ray Emission Spectroscopic Study of a Second‐Row Transition Metal (Mo) and Its Application to Nitrogenase‐Related Model Complexes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59, 12965–12975.
Maganas, D.; Kowalska, J. K.; Van Stappen, C.; DeBeer, S.; Neese, F. Mechanism of L2,3-edge x-ray magnetic circular dichroism intensity from quantum chemical calculations and experiment—A case study on V(IV)/V(III) complexes. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2020, 152, 114107.
Dittmer, A.; Izsák, R.; Neese, F.; Manganas, D. Accurate Band Gap Predictions of Semiconductors in the Framework of the Similarity Transformed Equation of Motion Coupled Cluster Theory. Inorganic Chemistry 2019, 58, 9303–9315.
Maganas, D.; Kowalska, J. K.; Nooijen, M.; DeBeer, S.; Neese, F. Comparison of multireference ab initio wavefunction methodologies for X- ray absorption edges: A case study on [Fe(II/III)Cl4]2-/1- molecules. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2019, 150, 104106 .
Neese, F.; Atanasov, M.; Bistoni, G.; Maganas, D.; Ye, S. Chemistry and Quantum Mechanics in 2019: Give Us Insight and Numbers. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141, 2814–2824.
Kubas, A.; Verkamp, M.; Vura-Weis, J.; Neese, F.; Maganas, D. Restricted Open-Shell Configuration Interaction Singles Study on M- and L-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Solid Chemical Systems. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018, 14, 4320–4334.
Chantzis, A.; Kowalska, J. K.; Maganas, D.; DeBeer, S.; Neese, F. Ab Initio Wave Function-Based Determination of Element Specific Shifts for the Efficient Calculation of X-ray Absorption Spectra of Main Group Elements and First Row Transition Metals. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018, 14, 3686–3702.
van Stappen, C.; Maganas, D.; DeBeer, S.; Bill, E.; Neese, F. Investigations of the Magnetic and Spectroscopic Properties of V(III) and V(IV) Complexes. Inorganic Chemistry 2018, 57, 6421–6438.
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