Publikationen von Ilton Barros Daltro de Castro

Zeitschriftenartikel (2)

Barros Daltro de Castro, I.; Graça, I.; Rodríguez-García, L.; Kennema, M.; Rinaldi, R.; Meemken, F. Elucidating the reactivity of methoxyphenol positional isomers towards hydrogen-transfer reactions by ATR-IR spectroscopy of the liquid–solid interface of RANEY® Ni. Catalysis Science & Technology 2018, 8, 3107–3114.
Cao, Z.; Dierks, M.; Clough, M. T.; Barros Daltro de Castro, I.; Rinaldi, R. A Convergent Approach for a Deep Converting Lignin-First Biorefinery Rendering High-Energy-Density Drop-in Fuels. Joule 2018, 2, 1118–1133.

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